Well... for Jen and Kyle's final full day I suggested they check it out for a nice hike (it's also connected to Shannon Falls). It was a decent day outside and thought it would be nice for them to do something on their own (not to mention you're kind of limited with what you can do with a little person under 2). So of course they took my advice - I wouldn't send them anywhere dangerous.... well not intentionally.

The path up the mountain seemed to be in two sections - the first was just a good hike, but nothing outrageously challenging. So despite all the warnings on this sign... The Guymons were ready to charge onwards and upwards.

(Picture above and below) -Parts of the Mountain they had to climb... I would have said... "What? No thanks - I got my pictures so let's slide down and get home!" But they were troopers and determined to go on.

Above: I think Jen is wondering exactly what kind of adventure I sent them on as she has to use CHAINS to pull herself up a mountain.

On the way up Jen and Kyle found a nice place to grab a photo op.
Now I'm aware if you're an experienced climber this is no big deal, in fact it's what you want and people travel all over the world for this. But... we found some humor (once they were home safe) at what I thought would be a "steep hike" to "intense climb with chains and balancing on the edge at times".
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