Don't Miss A Thing!

**** I have a tendency to write several blog posts in one sitting. I like to think of it as time management when I have a big block of time to sit down and get caught up. If you check in on the blog from time to time... be sure to scroll down, and you may have to even click onto the next page to be sure you've gotten all the latest Ramsey news. (Blogger has restricted the number of posts I can have on the first page, so I never know what exactly is coming up). Thanks for checking in with us, and following along on Our Great Life Adventure! ****

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's a First...

Well a first for us... Monday was our first wedding anniversary! We celebrated Sunday night by going out to dinner (a steak dinner that was delish... so good in fact I kept eating even when I was full to the point of a stomach ache because I didn't want to waste it!). We were lucky to get away for a nice date since they are few and far between. We've set up a babysitting swap with another family in our neighborhood (and still have a few hours left so I think we'll catch a movie in the next month).
As for our first year of marriage it's been full of lots of great times and also some sad ones (and a move out of the country) - it just lets us know we'll get through it together! :) I won't bore you with my sappiness here since I already wrote it all down in Chad's anniversary note! Here's to year #2 Hubs!
On a side note - we just got our wedding album and as Chad was looking at it for the first time yesterday (I saved it for the anniversary) he said (prompted by all the adorable pictures of Braden) "How old do you think Braden will be when he realizes that he was AT our wedding and not born AFTER?" Haha - looking back - I wouldn't have had it any other way, it was so precious to have him share that day with us!

At our anniversary dinner - with the dessert menu - which I couldn't even bring myself to order anything because I was that full (me passing on a dessert is rare!) Chad couldn't believe I pulled out the camera - but he was a good sport (honestly... what other choice did he have?)

We didn't get to keep the top of our wedding cake, the bakery that made it instead offers you a yummy, fresh new cake for your anniversary. Well - this is ours - however Chad didn't get to enjoy it (which is ok since he doesn't really care about cake - and I very much care about cake). So instead of letting this free offer of delicious cake go to waste, I was in Chicago the week before, called the bakery asked for the cake and brought it to the party with all my girlfriends! The chocolate cake/raspberry preserves got excellent reviews.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Do the Dew... or not

I came across something a little odd. I don't know if this is a Canada thing or not, it requires further investigation. So, it's been a little rough these past few days (sleep-wise - and by that I mean wake up time) adjusting to the time difference from Chicago to Vancouver. In a moment of weakness (and sleep deprivation) I picked up some Mountain Dew for a little caffeine pick me up. I never have soda in the house (just an unnecessary evil of the liquid world) - but like I said - moment of weakness. Anyway... I may want a small perk - but I don't want to stay up all night either so watching the caffeine intake was important. After a can of "The Dew" yesterday (or was it the day before - days are running together), I still felt super tired. I didn't want to over do it so I thought I'd look at the caffeine amount, hop online and look into it. Well... apparently - this "in the exact same packaging, no obvious mention on the can or box" Mountain Dew here is "caffeine free". What?!? Isn't that crazy? It just has a small mention on one small part on the can (not on the box at all). I looked online at and Mountain Dew certainly does have caffeine- unless in specially marketed like this (in an obvious way):
However... this is what my can looked like:

The one place I found it mentioning the otherwise un-mentioned.

Now I've just been drinking what could basically be considered pure fructose corn syrup (yucky for me) and I'm still tired!!!

Goofy Kid

It doesn't matter how many toys you have... a laundry basket provides plenty of entertainment in the life of a toddler!
What happens when Braden finds Dad's swimming goggles...

Love the look, kid... such a goof ball!

How do you occupy a kid the last 20 minutes of a flight when you can't play the portable DVD player anymore?

You let them put stickers ALL over their face!

Monday, January 19, 2009


I'm back. I have loads... oodles and oodles to post about. But I'm waiting until later tonight or tomorrow. Right now I'm going to relax and unwind for the afternoon and take advantage of some alone time while Chad and Braden catch up.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Nothing like waiting until the last minute... it's 9pm and I still have about 3 loads of laundry to finish before I can be done packing because tomorrow Braden and I leave for CHICAGO! Big B will stay with my family in Homewood for the weekend while I meet up with Chad in New Orleans for his cousin, Layne's wedding to Mitzi! Then I'm back to Chicago for a week to visit friends and family in Chicago, Bloomington and DeKalb.
I don't know where the last month went. Between Grandma Ramsey's visit, Braden's birthday, preparing for Christmas, completing my project for work and our wonderful visit from friends for New Years Eve - I woke up yesterday morning a bit panicked that I was not at all prepared for our trip this week. But with a late night effort tonight it will all get done.
So my friends that I will be able to see this week... YAY! And to those I can't see... I'm really sorry that this is a shorter trip than usual and lots of traveling (4 cites!). But don't be surprised if I have some time open up if I give you a call and try to arrange a last minute visit!
Wish me luck, I'm traveling alone (with a layover... argh) with a sweet, yet increasingly independent 2 year old! Thank goodness for the portable DVD player!
And now that I have my fabulous new laptop (thank you Chad) I will likely blog while we're away!


I'm a bit behind because the little person I'm introducing is already a week old today! One of my very closest friends, Katie and her husband Scott welcomed their son, Jack Henry Hager last Tuesday, December 30, 2008 at 9:02am, a little guy wieghing in at 5 lb, 9 oz and 18 in. He's perfect and gorgeous and I am SO happy that I will be home to meet him this week. It's been difficult for me to be away when big things like this happen... it would have made me very sad to have to wait any longer! Katie, Scott and Baby Jack are all doing well at home and adjusting to life with a newborn (so I now have further proof that it wasn't just Braden that had his days and nights mixed up that first few days!) :)
I already know I love this little guy and can't wait for our boys to grow up together.
So without further delay I present you a few pictures of Baby Jack.

Hager family picture at the hospital

(Seriously Katie - I know I wasn't looking that good in the hospital!)

Baby Jack leaving the hospital. He's such a little guy that his hat was just too big... and it just makes the picture too cute!

His eyes are open!!! He's so precious!!!

The proud new momma and her baby boy!

Katie took this picture so I wouldn't harass her...she is looking FABULOUS!