Don't Miss A Thing!

**** I have a tendency to write several blog posts in one sitting. I like to think of it as time management when I have a big block of time to sit down and get caught up. If you check in on the blog from time to time... be sure to scroll down, and you may have to even click onto the next page to be sure you've gotten all the latest Ramsey news. (Blogger has restricted the number of posts I can have on the first page, so I never know what exactly is coming up). Thanks for checking in with us, and following along on Our Great Life Adventure! ****

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Such a boy...

What a little man... dirt all over, cut over his eye and a tough guy look.
Well, let me tell you a little story about this sweet child of ours.
The weather was fabulous Sunday... Chad was talking with the neighbors, Braden was playing with the kids next door and I was inside with Vivian while she napped and I cooked dinner...
Before I finish you'll need a little background to the story.
On these wonderful weather days Braden is outside he spends a lot of time playing in dirt (literally in the dirt, you can see below his own little dirt pit) to get wonderfully filthy. He has such a good time. We opted to show him a place in the backyard that he could go pee rather than track the whole mess in the house 5 times or worse he just decides to be lazy and not come in. I'm a girl, I grew up with a sister, we never did this, but apparently for boys it's just something they do. Ok... I'll go with it... and be glad to avoid all the dirt in the house.
So back to the story, I'm sure you've guessed it by now. He is playing with the neighbor kids... and I'll assume he was having too much fun to want to leave...steps outside the sandbox, takes a few steps and pees in their yard!
Thank goodness Chad was there and not me, I would have ran home so embarrassed. Thank goodness they have four kids, two of which are boys so they didn't make a big deal about it.
At dinner that night we talked for several minutes about the dos and don'ts. So we shouldn't have a repeat experience.
Oh Braden, you're such a boy.


When we found out we were moving to Houston (4th largest city) it would make sense that we'd know people... and one of those people I've gotten to reconnect with is a woman I pledged Delta Delta Delta with all the way back in 1996... and haven't seen since a group of us met up in St. Louis one summer back in 2001! Her name is Kristin, she has two kids, sweet and beautiful Ava that just celebrated her 2nd birthday and Luke... who happens to be just one day older than our Vivian! Kristin recently became a stay at home mom and each week we've gotten together. Memorial Park in Houston, the Children's Museum and Ava's birthday party. Braden adores Ava... Luke and Viv are figuring each other out. For us adults it has been wonderful to look forward to getting together, catching up on the last decade, and talking about "mom" stuff with a familiar face! I am so happy to reconnect and glad we can share time together with our kids doing fun things. So I now introduce them on the blog, but I can assure you this isn't a one time appearance! :) Getting the day started at the Children's Museum
You could "do your own face paint". The finished product. On the way home Braden said, "Mom, Ava is my friend". You got it buddy! Speaking of friends... here are Kristin and I with our babes. Ok, Ava... you can drive. Let's go get some Ice Cream. Hey... where did she go? This week Ava had her birthday party... and had a blow up house outside. These two had a blast!
Luke and Vivian getting acquainted
Beautiful Birthday Girl!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

If Vivian could talk...

Oh... hi Mom! I'm just playing around...

But Mom... something in my mouth kind of hurts

Maybe I'll just try and play with this doll and forget about it

Or maybe if I stick my other hand in my mouth it will feel better

Ouch... Ouch... no mom, that does NOT feel better. What is going on? Make it stop! Where are the baby drugs? Help me!

No... do not roll me over. Put down that camera already! Teething you say? Well I don't want teeth... nope, don't want them... I don't need teeth. Mom... are you listening? Make it stop! How long will this misery last?

My apologies...

I'm sorry now that I got a fancy new camera the already obnoxious amount of photos I take will increase. I have a lot to learn about my camera... and techniques to take some great shots. But the best part is that even my very limited photography skills the pictures look better than I've ever taken! :)

Love how bright, clear and crisp this one turned out.

My handsome boy...