In effort to keep busy... and get Braden around kids as much as possible we have plans three mornings a week to have "class", a moms/kids play time and a playdate. It's good for him, he runs, he plays and he "shares" with the other kids (he loves to share... for now anyway). It's good for me too, not that I've met a ton of people, but it's better than nothing so we'll try to stay as busy as possible. Ok... that's not really why I'm posting. I had to document the first "bully" encounter. Honestly, I guess I just didn't think that it would happen this early, Braden isn't even 2 yet!
So at the mom/kids play in Lions Bay on Monday morning Big B was running all over. I was standing back just letting him go, well in all of his chaos he must have lost my placement so he was on the opposite side of the room and let out a scream kind of like "here I am, where are you?" Well... this kid (aka bully) ran over to Braden, put his hand over Braden's mouth and smacked him across the face?!?! I immediately began to calmly walk to Braden, he had a very confused look, but I didn't want to be over dramatic and make a scene, (and seriously... on my brisk walk withOUT another scream from Braden the kid did it again!?!) I mean kids are going to kids and some kids are better behaved than others. I do think this is a good example of obviously when this kid screamed this is how is parents thought to deal with it. I just took Braden away, told him it wasn't nice to hit. The kids mom wasn't paying attention and I was in a group of women I've never met, it just seemed better to let it go. Two more notes - 1) not even 5 minutes later the bully was shoving another kid off a bike 2) I know who he is and I won't forget, if he continues to be physical with my son, I'll take the next step.
Maybe I didn't handle it right, who knows? Braden was fine, he didn't cry and just wanted to sit close to me for about 10 minutes before he was set loose again into the world of playtime. It won't be the last time something like this happens. B is a tough kid, he'll be ok.
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