Don't Miss A Thing!

**** I have a tendency to write several blog posts in one sitting. I like to think of it as time management when I have a big block of time to sit down and get caught up. If you check in on the blog from time to time... be sure to scroll down, and you may have to even click onto the next page to be sure you've gotten all the latest Ramsey news. (Blogger has restricted the number of posts I can have on the first page, so I never know what exactly is coming up). Thanks for checking in with us, and following along on Our Great Life Adventure! ****

Monday, October 19, 2009

The first thirty days...

Vivian is one month old today. The time has gone by fast of course... but at the same time it feels like she's been with us forever!
Just a few things about Viv at this point... as we did with Braden, we're learning as we go since all babies are different. She likes to spend long periods of awake time (3-5 hours... but then snoozes on and off for the rest of the day/night.
She loves, loves to be held and rocked.
Like her brother she is a fantastic, frantic, fast eater... and like her brother she's a bit of a "spitter-upper". Fingers crossed she'll grow of it, each week it's gotten better.
I love staring at her (not much else to do with newborns! :) Can't wait to see her little personality evolve!
It's been a fairly smooth adjustment having two kids, getting around (although Chad deserves some credit for handling a couple barks from me in the middle of the night when I was really, really tired).

Here I imagine her thinking... "Oh Mom... you aren't ever going to put that camera away are you? Someone help me get away from the crazy picture lady!"

Lost Control...

So... a few months back over dinner Braden said what sounded like "Damn"... now, I won't say that Chad and I don't ever swear from time to time... but it's not habitual and certainly not around Braden. Chad and I were so caught off guard, and it was so odd hearing it from his mouth, I kind of lost it... laughing that is. Well as Braden got a reaction he continued to do it over and over... and we realized then he was actually saying "BAM"... thank goodness. We totally blew that had it been a teachable moment!!!
Well... last night Braden was all dressed up in his "team shirt" and football pants for the Bears game. While we were eating dinner a conversation when a little like this...
Me: Braden... you want to be a quarterback or linebacker?
Braden: Linebacker
(Chad with a huge grin)
Me: Do you want to be like Urlacher or Butkus?
Braden: Butkus...
Here's the thing, it sounded NOTHING like Butkus... it sounded like... "F word us". And he kept saying it over and over and over and over and over (and over) again.
Apparently I'm immature and what sounds like a toddler swearing puts me into hysterics... like I was crying from laughter. Maybe I just needed a good chuckle and once it started I couldn't stop, but seriously I need to be better prepared. Although I'm pretty confident that if he had been actually, and intentionally using those words I would have an entirely different reaction (with a consequences!).
Just had to share the story as one of those for the memory bank and journal that is our blog.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Real Thing...

We're doing good here in Washington... but something has been missing since we left Chicago. Our friends.
Chad and I have always been really social people, and next to family and friends not being close to see the kids more often, the next hardest thing is missing our friendships. We're so lucky that cell phones and emails makes keeping in touch much easier... but nothing is quite as good as the real thing. And after having Vivian, not having my friends around was that much harder... we didn't have people around the clock trying to schedule a time to see our new addition... and I have been missing my friends that much more.

This weekend... I got some of "The Real Thing", and my heart was so happy.
Katie and her 9 month old son, Jack, made the trip out to see us last week from Thursday to Monday. It was a different kind of trip... our old parent selves were in bed by 10pm one night... and we really spent most of the time around the house, with child play and girl talk. Chad was kind (and brave) enough to tackle all three kids one morning so Katie and I could enjoy some time at the spa (facial and massage, yea!). We went to the mall, out to lunches and hit up a pumpkin patch and apple farm.
Thank you Katie (and Baby Jack too... who by the way is so handsome, sweet, good tempered and smiley) for taking the time to come see us. I loved introducing you to our Vivian and your godson, Braden, is completely taken with you. Thank you for giving me "The Real Thing".

Eyes Wide Open...

An overall update on our babe:
Generally, Vivian has been a pretty easy baby. A bit fussy the past few days, but nothing that can't be handled and it's easy to figure out it's from being overtired (seriously Viv... newborns do not need to stay awake for 4-5 hours at a time!). Here are a few pictures of her during some awake time... her eyes are blue right now (a darker blue, but getting lighter every few days). I also have a prediction on her hair (oh wow... all that hair... it will be getting it's own blog post). I think it will end up being lighter than it is now. Right now it's a solid, darker brown, but underneath it almost looks like highlights coming in!
And my final note... for my own records. The umbilical cord JUST fell off last night!!! It took an amazing (and gross) 25 days!!! Something just isn't right about that (usually they say 10-14 days). Anyway... finally it is gone, thank goodness!
Just enjoying all the newborn sweetness because it does pass quickly (She'll already be a month on Monday... what?

Shhh... Miss Vivian needs her beauty sleep

Good Golly Miss Molly!

So... I think Big B has his first school "crush". Each day he goes to school we talk about what he did all throughout the day. I ask a lot about the other kids, who he plays with and who his friends are. For the first few weeks he just talked about "kids"... but the past week or so he's been telling me "Mommy, I play today with Molly and Zachery". Molly's name has come up more and more. Well today before class while we were in the bathroom washing his hands, in walks a beautiful little girl and Braden turns to face me and loudly says, "MOM... THAT'S MOLLY! Hi Molly!" Molly's mom is there and I say, "Braden has been talking about Molly quite a bit" and she says to me "Molly talks about Braden ALL the time". She was just adorable, Braden has good taste!
How cute! I'm sure for most this is a lame story... but for me I had to record this so I remember! (Who am I kidding, I doubt I would forget, you're talking about the girl who remembers her preschool boyfriend, Justin... his mom made me balloon animals!)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It can make you sick...

So... yesterday evening Braden had a talking to (and time out) about playing with the toilet water (judgers not welcome, I got to him right away, with a newborn literally attached to me, and the toilet had just been flushed. He's discovered that when Viv is "drinking her milk" that it's a convenient time (for him, not me) to be a bit mischievous). On with the story...
I explained to him that "It can make you sick to play in the dirty water and we just use the toilet to go potty".
Well today on several occasions Braden has answered me with "It can make me sick". For instance...

Me: Braden, you have to leave your shoulder belt on (in his car seat).
Braden: It can make me sick
Me: No, it's so you can be safe.

Me: You cannot jump on the couch
Braden: It can make me sick
Me: No, you could get hurt and that's just mommy's rule.

But just a few moments ago as we were cleaning up all the paper he tore off his crayons, and he found one on the floor, just as he was about to test the color on the hardwood floors...
Me: Do NOT use your crayons on the floor, on paper only.
Braden: It can make me sick.
Me: No... but it will make mommy mad.
Braden immediately turned over the crayon to me without further prompting!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Do they look alike?

The verdict is still out... I sometimes see Braden in Vivian (usually when she's sleeping), but I have to admit, all that hair is a bit of a distraction! Here is a picture of both of them about 2 weeks old. (Viv's hat was knitted by my friend in West Virginia... thanks Angela!)BRADEN


Viv says, "I'm ready for my Close Up"

Just a few pictures from Vivian's first two weeks. We had her two week appt today and all is great! She's 9 lbs, 2 oz - and in 75th percentile for all her measurements. We don't go back until she is 2 months old. She is a champion nurser... she's giving me a 5 or 6 hour stint at night, a quick feed and back to sleep for another 4 hours. Can't get much better than that! :)

Just 2 or 3 days old... still looks like a little newborn here.

And finally...

After bragging on Braden for his brotherly love... and giving the Grandmas a shout out for all their help I have one more person to love on. Chad. I know that day in and out I'm not always easy and laid back, but I do appreciate that he is. He's a great dad... from rough housing with Braden to stealing an hour of sleepy newborn cuddle time with Vivian, I do realize how lucky I am he's hands on and involved. I imagine after working all day to come home and relaxing doesn't happen for yet a few more hours it's probably exhausting... but I must say...
Thank You Chad. We're building quite a nice little family and even when I'm a pain thanks for dealing and keep doing what you're doing. Braden absolutely adores you, and I know as Vivian gets older she'll be your little girl. Two great kids and an involved Dad... I have a lot to be thankful for.

Mucho Gracias...

I couldn't have made it through the last three weeks without the help of our moms. (ok... technically I could have, but I would have been stressed and overwhelmed, and their visits were VERY appreciated). It was fabulous to have a break from cooking, enjoy a few lunches out, help picking up around the house (and can I mention folding laundry... I hate folding laundry).
First Grandma Ramsey came in to help us with Braden and stay with him while at the hospital with Vivian... as we know I didn't have her until the last minute, but I didn't know how much I would appreciate having a bit of a "break" caring full time for Braden that last week. She took him outside to play in the dirt, to the park and I already posted about our apple farm adventure. She wasn't able to spend tons of time with Vivian until the last few days... but we'll be seeing her again in a few weeks when we all travel to Atlanta.
Grandma Ramsey left on Wednesday and by Friday we were joined by my mom (Grandma Carole)... she played lots of dinosaurs with Big B, more playing in the dirt, and snuggled on Vivian while I tried to get in some good time with Braden. Not to mention the chicken pot pie... yum! All the leftovers were demolished!
Many thanks to you both for taking the time, the money and giving me company these past few weeks. I can't wait until you get to see "the kids" again (I still can't believe we have TWO now!).
As for the photos... a few from Braden's adventure to the park with Grandma Ramsey, then her with Vivian and the next photos are Grandma Carole with the kids.


Braden adores his "baby sister". She rustles around and he stops what he's doing, runs over to her and all the while repeating "I'm coming... I'm coming baby sister". He has been a huge help getting things, and being pretty patient when I need to feed or change her. (Although I do have a story to share about that when I blog my "report" about staying home with both kids and flying solo). He likes to give lots of kisses, hugs, nose kisses, read to her, sing songs, play with her hair (while saying... ooohhh Mommy... look at all that hair!). While I am not naive enough to believe we won't have some bumps along the way I can say that I am really pleased and proud of him and what a great big brother he has become!

First thing in the morning... couldn't even be bothered to get dressed first, had to pull out his sticker book and give Viv a lesson in trains first.

Here he's using his little laptop and singing along to the songs for her... all his own idea!

Reading books to her...

Naps with Baby Vivian

What is better than napping with a precious little person? Newborns can sleep anywhere... and my favorite place is with me!