Today we hosted a playdate with some of the kids in the neighborhood (some of the only kids in the neighborhood). It was nice to let the kids play (although Braden was particularly hyper) and have some girl talk. We has snacks, sandwiches and of course some of the cookies I blogged about... I really miss being a hostess! Mr. Braden pulled a disappearing act and I nearly had a heart attack. He had followed me up stairs (or so it seemed) and I thought he stayed downstairs playing. No... found him after about 3 minutes in the garage. Not a good place for him to be. I thought he had ran outside.. ahh.... it was stressful, another learning lesson - always keep the door to the garage locked! It's not usually a problem since he's either up or down the stairs with me and not on his own, but I'm not taking any chances!
I took some before and after pictures of the playroom (and if you haven't seen the playroom here's your chance -it's not any fancy decorating, but it's large and serves it's purpose). I also managed to get a picture of the kids sitting in one place together...but I wasn't going to push my luck to try and get one where they were actually all looking at the camera! :)
We talked and we're going to try and do a playdate every Wednesday morning. Yay!


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