Don't Miss A Thing!

**** I have a tendency to write several blog posts in one sitting. I like to think of it as time management when I have a big block of time to sit down and get caught up. If you check in on the blog from time to time... be sure to scroll down, and you may have to even click onto the next page to be sure you've gotten all the latest Ramsey news. (Blogger has restricted the number of posts I can have on the first page, so I never know what exactly is coming up). Thanks for checking in with us, and following along on Our Great Life Adventure! ****

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What a Happy New Year!

Today we anxiously await the arrival of 7 house guests to bring in the New Year. Olson, Pam, Fox, Steph, Nick, Lindsay and Baby Graham will be here late this afternoon! Yay! I'll be sure to post some pictures and stories.
Also - can this insane weather here stop? As soon as Chad was finally able to get the driveway cleared of my than 2 feet of snow - it snowed/sleeted/rained last night and it's just a sheet of ice... and oh - Canada has a salt shortage. Not fun.
Lastly - I have someone very important to introduce you too... but I'm just waiting on some pictures. I'm so excited!
Happy New Year!

Monday, December 29, 2008


I hate to give out false Hollywood gossip. But it appears now that the engagement of Tom and Giselle is unknown. Some things yes, some things no... and of course thier reps have "no comment". Just felt like I had to clarify. Guess we'll find out eventually (but I'll say that I still personally preferred him with Bridget).

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Big B goes to BBB

We've been talking about it for awhile now and today was the day. We made our way (in a snowstorm) out to IKEA to get Braden his Big Boy Bed. Mission almost accomplished. I couldn't actually get the bed frame because it was too big for the car with Braden in it. I'll be picking it up on Monday. But - we got everything else! And guess who's sleeping on the mattress (on the floor) right now??? That's right, Braden! He was really excited about it. I laid with him tonight until he went to sleep (about 10 minutes) just because he asked me so nicely and I know it's a big change for him. (I know that cannot be habit - no worries!). But it was such a sweet 10 minutes, he was super cuddly and peaceful, it was one of those moments I'll remember.
The blanket for his bed was in the dryer so it's not in the picture, but on him now. You'll get a full shot of everything once the frame is here and his bedroom is rearranged. Until then - check out Big B going to the BBB!

Christmas in Canada

Here are a few photos from our Christmas morning in Canada. It was odd not to be running around or spending time with family, but we did our best to just enjoy our boy and the holiday together as a family. And I was lucky because we went out to eat so it was a present for me not to have to cook!!!
I got these stockings for us right before Braden was born - I lucked out... this kid loves trains!
Christmas and the Chicago Bears... GO BEARS!
Here is Braden getting the humpback whale - it's been one of the biggest hits so far!
Done with all the presents... back to the train table! Oh... look at the snazzy new slippers. It's cooler in the playroom and this kid never keeps his socks on so I was trying a different approach, so far - so good! Between the pajamas and the slippers he looks like a little old man! Love it!

Virtual Xmas card... late - sorry!

Ok... it's past Christmas, I apologize. Things have been moving at a very fast pace here, Chad has been traveling every week and with my work project, caring for the little man and shopping - I don't know where all the time went.
Anyway, I didn't send out cards this year for more reasons than just being busy. It was the second week in December when I thought about it, and then I realized that if I wanted to do a photo it would take some time, and it's also almost twice as much in postage to send it out, so I opted to save the money. However - I came up with an alternative - the virtual Christmas card. Braden is saying "Ho, Ho, Ho" on our Christmas morning in his new jammies. It's a very quick video, you'll probably have to play it more than once to actually catch it.
Now - sorry if it's TMI or gross to some of you, but it just so happens that Big B is mid-poop and after Ho, Ho, Ho you can see him "bearing down" into his diaper. I personally thought it was worth the chuckle.
Happy Holidays! We miss you all tons and tons!

Friday, December 26, 2008

It's only fair... I guess

Well... it appears that my husband in the next life - Tom Brady - has proposed to his girlfriend, super model Giselle. I guess it's only fair that he gets married now that I am too.

In other news, I have TONS to post about, but instead I've been working on a project for my old company to being in some extra moola to the Ramsey household. I'll resume posting shortly.

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Blizzard? Seriously? No.

When we moved here I was told it doesn't snow much, sometimes in the morning but it doesn't really stick. (The major snow is up high in the mountains and up near Whistler). I was warned to be prepared for a lot of rain from October to May. Ok, I got it, right? Wrong. It has snowed a few times the past couple weeks - but nothing we haven't seen before or been used to in Chicago. In fact, it's still been much milder. Anyway - back to my point. This weekend we were treated to what many here are calling a blizzard. But really? Hmm... Chad and I don't agree. Sure - quite a bit of snow, but nothing crazy. But really - who are we to argue? It has made driving through the mountains and living in Furry Creek quite beautiful.
Chad took Braden out to enjoy his first real play in the snow... while I stayed cozy and warm in bed and took a little snooze (how fabulous)!

To be fair to the people who considered this blizzard conditions... this was on the first day of snow, there actually was a lot more than came in the next day.

Santa and My Little Elf

Pardon the super poor quality... it's a picture of the picture and it was bad lighting since it kept reflecting. But here is Braden's first visit with the Big Man in Red. Braden couldn't look less impressed and he looks quite large sitting on his lap...that's our boy!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

He always knows...

Braden seems to be pretty intuitive. He always knows when I need a hug or a good laugh after a long day. (Well - he doesn't always know because if he did then he wouldn't have screamed in the car on the way home earlier that day= NOT fun). But the point of this post is following up after my pity party Tuesday. After a super long day with an overtired kid and an overtired mom I was so grateful that the day ended on a great note and as promised I'm sharing the pictures with you.
Earlier that day we hit up Wal-mart and I came across hat and mittens that I thought maybe I could keep on Big B. He doesn't wear hats well. But it's getting too cold here and I know when we get to Chicago next month hats are no longer optional! :) When we were getting for bed I pulled out the hat and mittens - and why did I think he would be so excited, because Diego is on them of course! And it loved it. He ran from the living room to my bedroom mirror back and forth... back and forth... for about 30 minutes. Braden was feeling like the coolest little dude around!
I had to take pictures and share them. It was the best especially since I was having a "can I really do this mom thing well? what am I not doing right? what's wrong with him? what's wrong with me?" doubts and insecurities most of the day.
Thanks to my little man for always knowing when I need a good pick me up. xxoo.

Lights Out!!!

As you know we live on a mountain (the picture at the top of the blog is taken from our porch - with no zoom). The body of water is known as the Howe Sound, and the mountains we look at are the Coastal Mountains. Well the Howe Sound area experience some really intense wind storms, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and again last night/this morning. I don't know exactly how fast - but rumor has it around 90 kph - so that would be about 55 mph. Some trees in the neighborhood came down - and the power went out THREE times! The second time it was starting to get dark out - and we had everything lined up to create pizzas for dinner (when I say we - I mean Braden and I, remember Chad doesn't cook!). BAM! Lights out! We pulled out candles and I let Braden snack on some of the pizza ingredients! I'm happy to say that by 11pm that night the lights were back on and we haven't had another incident since then.

Infected... argh.

So - my computer has some crazy virus - it freezes or shuts down on me every 20 minutes or so. It's frustrating but I believe we have solution in sight.
In the meantime - I'm going to try and download the pictures from my camera for blogging - as well as moving all my photos on this computer to a CD so I can keep them protected in case this piece of machinery crashes and doesn't come back.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

On a different note...

My last post was pretty whiny... sorry about that. Thanks to everyone that wrote me with some well wishes and advice! I did put the little man to sleep about 45 minutes ahead of his normal schedule. Maybe he'll still wake up early - but at least he'd catch some more sleep in total, which is what really matters that I don't have a cranky, unhappy child. Days are far more wonderful with a well-rested kid.

Today got worse... but then it got better... and ended on a nice note (Big B was a funny character)! I took pictures and will share them this week. My brain is kind of mush and I can't locate my camera easily.

So things are better... and I'm hopeful that tomorrow brings some more of that our way. We have our weekly neighborhood play date so I'm excited for some adult chit chat and for Braden to play with his buddies.

Pity Party

Ok... I didn't post about this before because I keep holding out and calling this a "phase". Am I kidding myself? Just the past three mornings... 5:45, 5:00 and this morning 4:00. These are the times Braden is getting out of bed. This is similar to the past month (with the exception of last week). I won't go on and on... but this is about more than just me having to get up early (and yes - I have spent an hour trying to get him back to sleep on numerous occasions... and let him "cry it out" - oh I would if I could, but he just gets out. My repeated efforts to put him back don't work in the morning (at least that's not a problem when putting him to sleep at night... thankful for small victories).
Anyway - it's also about this little man that is NOT getting enough sleep. He's cranky by 9:30am and it's really not that fun. I wish he was well rested, happier toddler=happier momma. And well yes it's a little about me... I am so NOT a morning person. This makes me miserable and want to cry (ok... yes - this morning I actually cried... who's the baby - me or Braden?).
But I'm trying to keep some perspective and I know that eventually this will get better.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Our own little Winter Wonderland

We had our first snow here on Friday (well it's been snowing high in the mountains, but this time it actually touched land on our level of the mountain). It really is picture perfect.
Picture taken from our second story window
Picture taken outside from our driveway

Mall in December... why?

Today Big B and I had an all day trip to two different malls. We split it up into two because the really huge mall has decorations in teal, magenta and gold for their Santa display... sure it looks nice, but not "Christmas-y" enough for me to want to get Braden's first shots with Santa. I want the traditional red and green, what can I say? It was a long day, we left the house at 8:45 and got back just after 5:30.
First of all... Braden did great with Santa. Braden said "Ho, Ho, Ho"... and told Santa he wanted "more trains please" and "reindeer". But what Santa picture place doesn't have access to photos right away, or at least within the hour? Instead, they aren't ready until next day, and since I live 40 minutes away we won't get them until next week. Annoying. Braden didn't cry... but he didn't smile either. He gave us more of a "I'm so bored and too old to be sitting on Santa's lap" kind of look. I'll share the pics when I get them next week.
Braden LOVED the reindeer in the Santa area. Since we arrived about 35 minutes before it opened (unknown to me, if I had known we would have left the house later) Braden was able to acquaint himself with all the surroundings. We went sans stroller on this part of the trip and he did an AWESOME job holding my hand and not running off when I let him go to play. After he met Santa, they gave him a cookie, an Orange Julius and Reindeer hat, I wish I had a picture of him enjoying it all at one time (I only have so many free hands on my own).

The Reindeer Hat

So there is this massive mall in Burnaby, Metrotown. One of the first things I see is this tiny woman walking with her son about the same age as Braden... wearing ridiculous stiletto heel boots. I mean... who can wear shoes like that with a toddler shopping? I walked for about 6 hours today (between both malls) and my feet feel the pain and I was wearing tennis shoes. I can tell you I wouldn't have made it 30 minutes in shoes like that. Her stroller was FULL of things so you know she'd been there awhile. I guess people like Victoria Beckham and Sarah Jessica Parker can wear 4 inch heels without issue, but I... I cannot even imagine. (On a a side note - every time I've typed "heel" I've accidentally (honestly) written "hell" and had to fix it). And yeah... I totally took out my camera to capture the moment, I was trying to be not obvious which is why it was far away to start with.

I have a son... I love it. I was destined to be a boy's mother. While I worry about having a boy and all the bruises, broken bones and cracked skulls... nothing made me as dizzy and nervous as looking for gifts for my two nieces and entering the "pink" zone at Toys R Us. This picture is just 1/4 of what I could see... WAY too much pink. I felt like I was trapped and couldn't escape back to the primary color toys.

Surprise, I have something else to complain about. It makes no sense to me that stores 100% devoted to baby clothes doesn't have room for a stroller to get through. Can't afford the rent... maybe that's because the moms with strollers can't get in and look at what you have to offer. Yes... I'm talking to you Please Mum and Gap Kids.

Here's the thing... Braden and I had an awesome day together. He was cooperative, sweet and even managed to sleep for 2 of the nearly 4 hours I walked around this mall (but sadly I don't think all that walking cancelled out the bad-for-you (but super delicious) Gyro and fries I had for lunch. It was still kind of a long day. And I have to say it really annoyed me when I finally found my car and then some $%#! (not nice person) parked this close to me and it was almost impossible to get Braden in his car seat! But after I got home and looked at this picture I realized I was just as close to the line(my car is on the left)... but it was really annoying and if Braden wasn't with me I may have said a bad word. However he was with me... so I just said it in my head.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Celebrate the Day of Birth

Braden Allen Ramsey
Day of Birth - 12/06/06 - 2:12pm - 8lbs. 10oz - 22 in

3 months old... taking a snooze. Thanks to the Underwoods for the T-shirt!

6 months old - Always smiling :)

9 months... he's saying "Mom - why do you insist on taking pictures of me in a diaper all the time. You know it just shows off all my baby chub!"
1st birthday party!
18 months - with dad on Father's Day!
Saturday, December 6th was Braden's 2nd birthday. I know everyone says it... but the time really does fly by. I mean now he's 100% a little boy and not a baby. It's bittersweet for me personally. Great to see him get older and keep learning so much... but it also makes me sad he's getting older and those first two years are already behind us. As for what he's doing... what isn't he doing (and climbing on/into/over)? He's putting together sentences and he can follow instructions (unless he is practicing his already well toned male "selective" hearing. I didn't realize it was something men are born with!). He loves trains, balls, books, animals, playing with other kids, Dora/Diego. As for the highly anticipated (or terrified) arrival of the "terrible twos"... it's been an ongoing process for about two months. Most days are awesome, but some days are not. I'm learning a lot about myself too (how much patience I have... or sometimes don't) and Big B and I are working through it together.
Note to Braden - it would help out A TON if you would sleep in until 7:00/7:30 (seriously - even a guarantee you'd make it to 6:30 everyday would be great).
But those moments that are tough don't compare to all the good moments. This growing up thing is pretty cool and I'm a lucky woman to have a front row seat every day.
We celebrated his birthday with a few guests and their children on Saturday evening. I think a good time was had by all the kids... with the assistance of a sugar rush from cookies and cake they all had a huge dance party :) Braden was asleep about 15 minutes after everyone left - when he's that exhausted you know he's had great time! I also learned that I made WAY too much food. I'm used to when my girlfriends and I would do appetizers... we didn't mess around and pretty much grazed for 2 or 3 hours, not the case so we had lots of leftovers to work with... not to mention the ridicously huge cake I made. Two layers Mon... really? I think only 1/4 was eaten. Oops... Lesson learned!

He blew out the candle on his own and after we sang he said, "Happy Birthday again please"

He doesn't realize at this point that it's a birthday present (remote controlled train... fun!), he's just fastinated with the balls on the bag!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I'm all about setting up some traditions with my family, I think it just makes for nice memories. One of the things we are doing is the ornaments on the tree. Sometime around Thanksgiving the Xmas decorations go up, and the tree is decorated - Minus individual ornaments - we save that for something to do with Braden on his birthday all dressed in Christmas jammies and that's when he gets his birthday presents! This year we did do it two days early on the 4th since Grandma Ramsey was in town and had gotten him a FABULOUS gift! (I'd also like to thank my family for putting some moola in Braden's savings account!) Even though Braden won't really remember - we'll be able to tell him it all started with his first birthday!

Ohhh...what is this Grandma got me? A WOODEN TRAIN SET?!?!?! WOW! I absolutely LOVE it!

Hurry guys... put it together faster. FASTER! I want to PLAY!

With some guidance from Paula on the design and color... Chad had Braden's train table made by his real birthday!

Eagle Run Park

Last Sunday while Grandma Ramsey was in town we decided to check out Eagle Run Park. It's just 15 minutes from where we live and I've been anxious to see what it's all about. Here is an excerpt from the "Squamish Tourist" Website.

"The Squamish area has the greatest concentration of wintering bald eagles in the world. Between late November and March, literally thousands of eagles call the Brackendale area of Squamish home - making eagle viewing and eagle tours an incredible attraction. Peak eagle viewing is from mid-December to mid-January. In the 1994 bird count, Squamish had the world record count of 3,769 eagles."
Now... I'll be honest - we didn't see that many so it was a bit disappointing. (And none of the pictures I took turned out well, it was very dreary outside and they were on the other side of the river). But we did see a few and I plan on going back again in late December to see what all the hoopla is about. In other eagle sighting news... we've seen several close to our house soaring between trees, just across the street the other day.

Chad, Big B, and Grandma Ramsey at Eagle Run Park. This is one of the rivers that has major salmon activity also. (which is the primary attraction for all the eagles).

Me, Braden and Grandma - we stopped at a viewing area off the highway near Brittania Beach (about 5 minutes from our house) to grab some scenic photos at twilight.

Monday, December 8, 2008

A BIG Day for Big B

Last week we took a trip to the other side of Vancouver's suburbs to shop at IKEA and a large mall. This was such a BIG day for Braden because we looked at "Big Boy Beds" and he got a ride on a HUGE rocking horse.
Let me tell you... this kid is super, super excited about getting a Big Boy Bed to sleep in. He loved trying out all the beds. I plan on looking next week and again the week after Christmas to see if there are any sales. Goal is to have it ready by the end of the year.
On the way up to the really big rocking horse! It was hard to get a decent picture once they were inside with all the bars.

What is he riding around in? That would be the"stroller" the mall has available since I made a stupid mistake of remembering to put our stroller back in the trunk. It's something I don't ever think about since I always keep a stroller in the car...that is until you take it out to make room for other things. Duh...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Our "Thanksgiving" Dinner... and Christmas Decorating!

Grandma Ramsey (Paula) came to visit this past week. She arrived the day after American Thanksgiving and as I previously posted I could not find a turkey, however the chicken turned out well. We rounded out our Thanksgiving with stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, bread and the pumpkin chocolate cheesecake pie (which yes, I was the only one that ate it, and sorry to be such a waster - but I had to throw half of it out - which means I also ate half of it - how sad... I mean bad).

What is it that Americans typically do the weekend of Thanksgiving? Bust out the Christmas decorations... even living in Canada now we were no exception. We added more throughout the week as we went shopping. Here is how things turned out.