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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Open Letter

Dear Mom at the Vancouver Aquarium,
I think it's wonderful that you took both of your children to the Aquarium on Monday. As I write this open letter I keep reminding myself you probably had good intentions. It was a beautiful day and a good day out with your kiddos.
I would like to point out that when you forget your real camera and are trying to use your RAZR phone to capture a moment... I understand... within reason. As a mom I have been and will be guilty of snapping unsolicited, in fact unwanted pictures (just ask my husband). What I cannot understand is making your children pose for 15 minutes to catch the sea turtle in the background... when your cute kids were loudly protesting between shots and you kept complaining that you couldn't get a picture that wasn't fuzzy and making them do it over and over. All the while you kept moving your kids around and stood in the way of other families that were standing a few feet back.
I'm not sure if you got the picture you wanted since I was annoyed and left the area. I hope with all that effort and time you actually got a "non-fuzzy" picture.. and I also hope you know how to download the photo and share it with others... but next time try and remember the real camera.
The person whose camera you kept stepping in front of, I got about 5 pictures of you by accident(picture one).... but took this one on purpose (picture two)!


Unknown said...

I love the letter! I was always thinking the same thing in Turkey, we were at some beautiful places and here are people snapping away on their camera phone!

amyd713 said...

Oh Monica! That is soo..funny! I ALWAYS think that about people who try to get these GREAT shots with a cell phone camera! My FAVE is at a school program, when the parent is trying to get a shot of their child...who is one of like 500 children! SERIOUSLY??? good luck buddy!