First of all... GO BEARS!
If you knew Chad and I in Chicago pre-Braden you would know that Sundays during football season were our favorite time of year. It really started for me in Dallas when Ben, Layne and I would go to the "Chicago" Bar to see the Bears and so Ben could catch the Lions. When moved back to Chicago Sundays were spent at Joe's on Weed street, getting there by 11am to make sure there was a table (or 3) secured. In fact... in 3 years I only missed one Sunday at Joe's... I had the best attendance of all the guys. I have so many good (although often foggy) memories of those days.
Well look at us now... we're living in another country and Chad's spending hours of the weekend working on the lawn and we're chasing around a toddler. Not exactly the same... and while I'd be happy to visit Joe's, it's really time to embrace our new life and create new traditions... and we kicked it off yesterday.
1) Get NFL Sunday ticket so we have access to any of the games we want to see. (Check)
2) All three of us decked out Bears gear all day (Check)
3) Make a big pot of chili each Sunday... eat from it throughout the day, lunch and dinner! (Check)
4) Mid-day naps for everyone (Check)
We'll continue this tradition every Sunday for football season (unless we're out of town - and if you're visiting from out of town you'll have to participate so don't forget your Bears gear!).
Side note: I'm not prepared to discuss my football husband Tom Brady's injury. I am going to get a little more information and process what has happened and organize my thoughts. Thank you for the already 9 emails I've gotten offering your condolences (really... it is like I am part of the his family!)

Future Fantasy Football Gamer

Braden liked the Chili too! Shirt off though... he was way too messy!
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