If you're a sports fan you know that a little superstition goes a long way. We believe that if we "aren't sitting in the same seat, at the same bar, wearing the same clothes 3 days in row" during the Cubs Playoffs in October 2003 (wow, it' been 5 years!) then the reason the Cubs lost was because that last game we sat at a different section of the Field House. Yes - that is what Chad did. Sure, some say that it's ridiculous that fans just watching on TV think they have some kind of impact on the outcome... but as a sports fan you have your quirks and your traditions that you follow so you feel like you're making your contribution.

Only that... I did.
The next year (when the Bears made it to the Super Bowl!!!) it was just 6 weeks after Braden was born. Chad and I invited maybe 30 people over to watch the Bears game... and I was
supporting the Bears...so I didn't put on my Brady jersey until the evening. (Picture right - supporting the Bears earlier that day). I wasn't loyal until the last second and it cost them. Although honestly, there was a whole conflict of interest and I
wasn't as committed. Because as much as I love to see Tom Brady win, I knew they would be facing the Bears in the Super Bowl and I'm first a Bears fan and I didn't think that Rex could match up with the likes of Brady. (Picture left - my friend and fellow Pats fan Nick wearing our jerseys that evening).

So... last year I wore my Brady jersey (even at home with no one watching) during the playoffs and they made it! Well... after three times now I realize that my jersey probably didn't have much to do with their wins or losses. But as a sports fan... I'd still follow my quirky tradition.
Ok - as if that story wasn't long enough, I told it to make this next part more relevant. So... for a few years now I've been playing Fantasy Football. And every year my first round pick sounded great on paper at first, but injuries turned them into a bust (Marshall Faulk, Priest Holmes, Shawn Alexander). This year I had the #1 pick and could have easily have taken Brady and after last year no one would have thought this was insane... however I put my desires aside and took LT because at least if something happened to him I wasn't personally invested and I was convinced if I took Tom I would (yeah... little ol' me in Canada has that much power) would somehow jinx his season. WELL... Chad was traveling for work when he had his 2nd FF draft and asked me to do it for him. With the #9 pick Brady was still there... and I thought "Are you kidding me? Of course I'm going to take him". Although Chad is a bit jealous (as jealous as Chad can get, which isn't much) over this football hottie stud, surely he would see that Brady is just too good and when he threw for another 50 touchdowns and he won his league, Chad would thank me.
Well... in true fashion like any superstitious sports fan I was convinced and guilt ridden because (against my better judgement for my own FF draft) I now was the cause of Brady's season ending injury. Or is it Chad's fault because it was his draft??? Hmmm...
Thanks for listening... sorry for the ridiculous rant. And please think good thoughts for a full recovery for Thomas Edward Brady, Jr!!! And for you ladies... here are a few more pictures!

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