Braden and I had a big day out yesterday... aquarium, long walk, the playground, I'll post more about all of that later. But before I eat quick lunch so I can spend the afternoon while Braden is napping and enjoy this AMAZING weather we're having I thought I'd tell a quick story.
When my four girlfriends came out here in June I put together an intinery... it was of course flexible, but gave us some direction. I wanted to be sure we had plenty of time to relax, but still see some sights. Anyway... I was telling that one of the things I did not include, but was nervous to throw it out there because I was sure they would think it was TOO cheesy... which it is a total cheese ball move, but I mentioned it anyway. I suggested going to Stanley Park where they have a lot of artists sitting outside that draw you pictures, some characteriture like.
With complete sincerity and not a crack of a smile I told them I thought it would be nice to "capture a moment of all 5 of us together that would be different from the 100 plus photos we would be taking". THEY LAUGHED SO HARD THEY CRIED. The story is a little longer, broken up into two parts as they arrived different times, but that's the jist of it. Needless to say we never got the picture done.
So ladies (and anyone else reading)... yesterday I walked past the people and one of the guys offered to do Braden's pic for just $10. Now... I'm not trying to knock the guys talent for drawing someone in 1o minutes, I know I couldn't do it. However, I just don't think this totally resembles Braden. He has his mouth, teeth and nose right... but he has very, very light hair??? But here ya go... just thought I'd share for fun. And I have NO idea what I'm going to do with it now.

1 comment:
Sorry Mon-it does not look like Braden at all. But to make you feel better-I would have gone and done it too!
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