Inside Granville Island's Public Market
The square at Granville Island, drumming and dancing show to the left (the drums kind of scared Braden until we took him outside to show him what was making the loud noise)
Jen and I at Stanley Park
"What do you people want?"
Just saw a Squirrel... very excited - these squirrels were jet black, I've never seen that before
At one of the many Stanley Park playgrounds... such a serious little fellow
Jen took my advice and got on the swings, it brings you back to your childhood, you can't help but smile!
Kyle on the golf course - Furry Creek
Chad on the golf course... strike a pose!
Today was the first day of Braden's new class. He wasn't old enough for this class when we moved here so I was excited that he'd have some art/craft/play-doh options we could try and and see what he is ready for... before I just tried it out at home and created a messy disaster.
The Sea Turtles and the Sharks
At the playground... kid loves to swing. He's wearing my sunglasses that are way to big - but he was looking right into the sun so we made it work. Actually, the fit around his head, he has a big head, the lenses are just too big and and feminine.
A tube slide, a new experience for B... I'm glad it wasn't crowded and there were two of these slides because Braden talked to me through the slide for several minutes each time.