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**** I have a tendency to write several blog posts in one sitting. I like to think of it as time management when I have a big block of time to sit down and get caught up. If you check in on the blog from time to time... be sure to scroll down, and you may have to even click onto the next page to be sure you've gotten all the latest Ramsey news. (Blogger has restricted the number of posts I can have on the first page, so I never know what exactly is coming up). Thanks for checking in with us, and following along on Our Great Life Adventure! ****

Friday, November 28, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving to our friends back in the United States. Since we didn't get to celebrate today, we'll have a nice dinner tomorrow when my mother-in-law comes in for a visit (Yay!). Two things about our dinner, first of all since it isn't Thanksgiving here I had no luck finding a turkey, so instead we'll have some yummy chicken dish. Second, I found a recipe in my Better Homes and Gardens magazine (yes, I'm a subscriber... you can make fun of me, but I'm domestically challenged and can use all the help I can get). It's for Pumpkin Chocolate Cheesecake and there were no pie crusts at the grocery store (maybe I need to shop somewhere else) so I had to make it from scratch (yikes!). I'm very excited about it and it just finished baking, so it will chill in the fridge overnight and ready for me (I mean, us) tomorrow! In my excitement I was telling Chad all about it (yes - I'm aware it means I'm pretty boring and also why would Chad care?). Anyway in this conversation I discovered that my husband doesn't like pumpkin pie! What? How did I not know this? We've been together for 7 years... he will eat anything except peanut butter and scalloped potatoes... why not pumpkin pie once a year? It wound up taking me forever to make it so my dear hubby will have to try some just to show support and appreciation for my effort.
On another note Thanksgiving related... I'm obviously very thankful for my family and friends. Just a few brief words wouldn't do them justice so I'll save it for something closer to Christmas when I'm sure to be reflective (and pouting) that we'll be in Canada and not in Illinois.
And finally... remember a few weeks ago we found a mouse? Well, I've been wiping counters, sweeping floors and looking for "evidence" ever since. I have not seen or heard anything in weeks... until tonight. I went downstairs to turn off a light and I hear something, I sat there frozen and then the bugger had the audacity to show himself. And I freaked out... Chad was laughing at me and I was genuinely upset (well he kind of stopped laughing once he realized how much it really makes me upset and crazy). I'm not exaggerating that I cannot sleep well when I have a fear (and now proof) that some rodent is taking residence in our home. Now it's nearly eleven at night and all wound up. So why tell this story? Because I'm also very thankful on this Thanksgiving that my husband is not afraid of mice (I'm not sure we would have gotten married if he couldn't handle these situations for me). So... thank you husband, and please... fix this little (actually, huge) problem ASAP or else I'm going over your head and straight to the exterminator.


Unknown said...

I dont like pumpkin pie either. Its one ~3 things. Okra and raw tomatoes being the other two...

Anonymous said...

I don't hate it...I just don't go out of my way to eat it. I don't mind peanut butter...but I don't like it mixed with things (cookies, ect). BTW - Got two mice this morning... Victory will be mine!

Anonymous said...

Monica I totally feel for you (about the Mice)...It might be time to get Jason back!!!!! Your dinner sounds yummy - I personally LOVE pumpkin pie - who wouldn't LOL. - TRINA

Heather said...

My two cents-hate pumpkin pie and do not mind mice as we had them every fall in our house when the farmers harvested. Spiders on the other hand...
Happy Turkey Day and miss you guys!!!

Lisa P said...

I completely sympathize, I can't handle mice. I once made my brother sleep over when I THOUGHT I saw one.