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**** I have a tendency to write several blog posts in one sitting. I like to think of it as time management when I have a big block of time to sit down and get caught up. If you check in on the blog from time to time... be sure to scroll down, and you may have to even click onto the next page to be sure you've gotten all the latest Ramsey news. (Blogger has restricted the number of posts I can have on the first page, so I never know what exactly is coming up). Thanks for checking in with us, and following along on Our Great Life Adventure! ****

Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday Mumbles

I've been thinking a lot of random thoughts lately...
- Did you know that dry cleaning here is INSANE? It's at least $18 to do a 2 piece suit! Since most of our readers are probably in Illinois or Texas I called for a comparison check - in Chicago -$8.95. In Dallas - $8.00.
- I have come to the decision that my friend Ali is right about something. In college (and all the years that have followed) she has made a case for Yankee Candles. We've all told her she should be their spokesperson. After trying so many candles over the years to get just the right cozy scent... Yankees are the best. And I'm glad that I actually found a place here that I can get them at HALF price... surprising for Canada that I can find something less expensive.
- Am I the only person that can't figure out a good way to dice tomatoes without making a mess and wasting half the tomato?
- I cook dinner and Chad's job is the dishes. Lately, I've been trying to help out with this and out things I use to cook dinner in the dishwasher as I go. Chad can't stand the way I load the dishwasher... apparently I waste all sorts of space and put things he would wash by hand, like pots and pans. Let me be clear... I was SURE to register for cookware that is dishwasher friendly because I HATE washing dishes. So is it really a big deal I put them in there? Besides, isn't it good they get a super hot bath once in awhile?
- I used to be a horrible sleeper. For years I couldn't fall asleep until late at night, which is why I was never a good morning person. Once we moved here after the first two weeks I started sleeping wonderfully. Asleep by about 10:30 and didn't wake up until Braden did. Well... sadly the past three weeks I've reverted back to awful sleeping. I can't fall asleep before midnight and I'm waking up several times. I can't find a good explanation for this. No wonder every day around 3 or 4 in the afternoon I hit a wall of exhaustion for about an hour.
- Did you all know that the Canadian dollar right now sucks? It's about 75 cents to the dollar so when we have to transfer money to pay mortgage and other bills still in the US we're losing 25% of the money just on the conversion rate.... ouch.
- My friend Staci reminded me about a little place called the Dollar Store. I had forgotten all about it. I've hit up three different stores the past few weeks, what a great place to get things for crafts for Braden. Plus... I can let him walk around with me minus the assistance of a cart or stroller because if he breaks anything... I can swing the cost for replacement.
- I sometimes wonder... is Braden going to get a Canadian accent? When he starts preschool next September and is with the other kids will he start saying, "Eh?" at the end of his sentences?
- I was going to start aggressively potty training Braden this week since for more than a week now each day he's used the potty once or twice a day to take care of both kinds of his business. However since he has decided he can't follow instructions to stop throwing his toys (even though he knows better)... so I just have a feeling he isn't mature enough to follow these instructions either. We've got some time... so we'll keep doing what we have been and go at it 100% at another time.
- Yesterday I started reading the first book in the Twilight Series that everyone is raving about. I originally bought the first two books for Chad after hearing amazing reviews and knowing that he really likes vampire books. I guess now is the time to come clean with my husband and let him know that since then I've gotten the clue that these books seem to be geared towards a female audience. I honestly didn't think that when I got them, sorry babe!
- If you read Chad's last post about the unfriendly (and unwelcome) visitor this weekend I'll give you an update. Since then Chad has three traps set up... he tells me he hasn't caught anymore and thinks it was just the one. Am I wrong for being suspicious that he may be hiding the truth (lying) to me because I am (excessively) paranoid about having an encounter with the furry rodent? I swear if I come across one (or even worse find one in a trap) while he's out of town this week for work - Braden and I will be locked in our bedroom most of the day with a towel under the door.

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