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Monday, November 24, 2008


The past few weeks Big B has started asking "Why?" quite a bit. I was prepared that it's part of the process as they are such sponges for knowledge at this age. I'm glad he does it most of the time because it reminds me to pause for moment and remember he's taking it all in and if I'm not telling him "why"... how else will he learn?
On the flip side there are a lot of "why" questions that really have the same answer "because I said so". I've tried not to use that and instead give him valid answers and reasons. For instance....
Me: Braden - it's time to go Nite Nite
Braden: Nooooo.... why? (picture a whiny voice)
Me: Because you need your sleep so you can have lots of energy to play with dad when he gets home tonight! :)

I know all of this is no crazy news - kids ask questions. I'm writing because today I noticed that every time he's asked me "why" it's gone like this:
Me: Braden - its time to leave (we were at a playgroup)
Braden: X-Why?
Or for nap time today:
Me: It's time to sleep
Braden: No... X-Why?

See what is happening here? Big B is saying X-Y like the alphabet, but trying to ask "Why". Once I realized what he was doing I got a little chuckle.

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