What's the perfect weather to sit poolside? 85 and sunny... and that's what we got... ALL WEEKEND. I know Arizona gets impossibly hot in the summer, but I saw no evidence of that, so my memories exist only of perfect weather that I assume is there year round. Everywhere you go things are designed around being outdoors. So... I think I need to convince Chad I should visit in the summer (so even though I love hot weather, I can see for myself that it's actually TOO hot, because right ow I'm not buying it) And he really should let me so I can get the idea out of my head if my post Canada plan A (Dallas) doesn't work, maybe Arizona for Plan B???
Anyway -weather aside (and most importantly) I was there to visit friends. And boy, did I need some girl time and a few days to myself to unwind, recharge and refuel (miller lite, anyone? or is a margarita more your style?).
I'll post more about the trip... but I couldn't wait to share pictures at POOLSIDE BABY!

The view of the pool from Ali's balcony... I wasn't zooming in, she's just that close!

The Girls of the Weekend, From L to R: (Hostess) Ali, Me, Kristy and LisaIf you know Ali - you'll appreciate this. She whipped out the "If" book for her question game

This is actually terrible picture of me, but I'm including it just so you can see how happy I was (like I said, I do know I look pretty silly)
1 comment:
I have been to Arizona in July and it is UNGODLY hot. The whole "dry heat" is a crock of bull if you ask me. HOT is HOT. This is not to say Arizona is not nice the rest of the year. To maybe get a holistic perspective, you may want to go back in the summer.
It looked so nice though. Great pool!
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