And a disclaimer... if you're not into Obamarama... don't hate on me because I got wrapped up. I'm still the same person and I still love you to bits and pieces even if you really thought Palin was ready. We can all agree to disagree. There... I said it. And if it's really going to put your panties in a bunch... just don't read the rest of the post. (Let me reiterate... it's my only political post... my husband wouldn't want me to go on and on about this and he doesn't agree with me. I don't want to make him guilty by association either.)
You know... McCain isn't a bad guy. I never thought he was. In fact... in the past I've admired him and if the grouchy, strict conservatives hadn't picked and pushed through their puppet man eight years ago in 2000 I would have gladly and proudly voted for McCain. Let me just say here that personally (outside of politics) I kind of think Bush is a hoot... can you imagine he's your quirky uncle at a family reunion that always says cooky things and bad jokes and when he's around you always get a good chuckle at his expense... and he doesn't mind (actually he probably wouldn't realize it). Ok... I'm off topic, sorry.
Back in 2000, McCain seemed to me to be the man my generation was looking for, he seemed to appeal to people in both parties and independents too... not afraid to stand up to the good old boys and cross the line. That's the "maverick" they kept referring to. I think many people would have crossed the "party lines" to vote for him... back then. But over the last 8 years that "edge" he had, that fearlessness to do what he thought was right... it almost entirely disappeared. Don't get me wrong... there were a few moments through this campaign I saw speckles of that genuine person, but once he picked Palin, (or got talked into it or whatever all that was about - I think this was the beginning of the end, not that I don't think Palin is a great public speaker and has charisma, but she isn't ready... not even close), I realized that the Republican strong hold got him and he was willing to do and say whatever it was to get elected as the nominee. McCain went back on so many things he stood up against in the past, it was disappointing. And I can't go without mention that he also got 8 years older and a bit cranky.
But, McCain's concession speech tonight the man speaking reminded me of the old Maverick. So... I do like him and wish him the best and hope he goes back to keeping people in check and contributing to the uphill battle the US of A has ahead as a Senator.
With all that said... how exciting. Seeing the HUGE crowd at Grant Park in Chicago makes me sad I'm not there to feel the energy, I can only imagine it's like if the Cubs ever won the World Series again. hehe :).
Obamarama... ChicagObama.... Obama Fever, however you want to describe it... it's pretty powerful to observe from the backseat here in Canada. I can't remember it ever being such a huge celebration. It's insane, in cities across the country people are in the streets together sharing their joy. I know many people out are not comforted by this decision, but many people are and maybe in time over the next several years everyone can get on the same page and we'll see things get better. To see all these people together, united and happy just knowing some kind of change is going to rock this world can't be a bad thing. No one can deny he's doing things a little differently and "changing" with the times... his campaign reached out via Internet, email, text message - in ways never done before.
To sum it all up...I commented on my friend's blog tonight, they are getting ready to leave the US to live in Spain - While I'm living out of country (and you will be soon too)... I'm feeling optimistic about things for the first time in awhile for the place we call "home".
Hey... maybe a "community organizer" that took himself from the lower part of the public service totem pole to the top office is onto something with this whole "build the middle class" and it will spread good things to all people in the country.
And his acceptance speech... wow... he's impressive. Dare we have the Audacity to Hope? YES WE DO!
PS... are these results considered a landslide?
No offense, but I wanted to throw up after your Obama googling in your post. I still have not met one person that can tell me one reason why they voted for BHO other than that it is not Bush and that he is so "inspirational", puke. Not one! I challenge anyone to go to his website and read every one of the "Issues" section and then tell me that is what they want America to look like. I have been through everyone of his topics on the "Issues" section and have come to the conclusion that no one else has because no one would have voted for him if they knew what his real proposals were.
Personally, I thought Palin was a weak (but hot!) selection for VP. However, I do take issue with the media's critism of her experience, because BHO had no more experience and he got a free ride on so many fronts. I did not vote for McCain either. I was one of the ~@250,000 people that voted with my brain for the Libertarian candidate, Bob Barr.
No offense taken Landon... we're all entitled to our opinions. You're better versed about some of the nitty gritty details with your interest and concern for politics and a career in banking. And I didn't take it lightly, I spend (too many) hours following coverage, talking with other people (like yourself) when I had questions. But when it came down to it...
I'm just going with a gut feeling (along with the majority) and so far, no regrets about it. I could pout and be angry or be optimistic. I wasn't trying to inspire... only record my thoughts in a moment, because thinking back years from now, good or bad I wanted to remember. And based on what I saw and my feelings last night it may be one of those "where were you when you got the news" kind of moments.
I could be wrong... I was when I voted for Bush 4 years ago (yuck).
We'll all see how it work out... but no apologies from me for being hopeful! :)
Yes, Monica and I disagree on this issue entirely... All I have to say is... Landon...ditto!
I spent countless hours educating myself on the issues for this election. I listen to political talk radio at work, and heard the small town halls and massive rallies. When it came down to it, I cast my vote for McCain. I have no shame to be on the losing side. And when I listened to his concession speech last night, I was inspired. If only he spoke with that passion throughout the campaign. But now that the election is over, I'm proud to call Barack Obama my president. I disagree with him on NUMEROUS platforms, but the bottom line is that he is our president. And when I listened to him address the crowd at Grant Park, I was inspired. I've read his books, and I've come to realize why he has the opinions he does. I don't agree with him, but I can respect him. He wasn't my choice, but he is America's choice. I have always been enchanted with him (since the DNC in '04). I truly believe he has the ability to make a difference. Our nation needs a facelift to the world, and I think he can do that. I want to believe that he can bring about change. Statistics are against him. But then again, this is a man who has defied the odds. He's just as much a white man as he is a black man. I hope he heals the racial divide in our country. (I'm from the South, it still exists). I hope he continues to inspire Americans that our government truly is "of the people, by the people, and for the people." Will he bring about the change our world so drastically needs? I hope so. I pray so. And if some of my ideals get put on hold till the next conservative swing, I can live with that... if he delivers on his promise.
I can't wait to see what only time will tell. I think he's going to be the greatest success story or the greatest failure of our time. I hope he has the balls to back up his talk, cause it's gametime.
Mon you forgot one in your list of Obama nicknames... Chairman Maobama. Workers of the world unite!!!
Hi, Monica. I'm Heather's sister so I lurk on your blog and felt compelled to comment. As you probably know, I come from a family of die-hard Republicans and am also married to one. I have never voted for a Democrat since I started voting in 1992. Until yesterday.
I too, liked John McCain. I liked his bipartisanship and the fact he voted what he believed. He lost me with Palin, though. She stands for nothing I believe in and definitely didn't prove her intelligence during this campaign. I went into the voting booth voting more against Palin than I was anything else.
However, after I voted yesterday, I started to feel hope. Hope that things can change and that things in this country can turn around. Hope that this country can be turned back into something my kids can be as proud of as I have been until the last couple of years. Hope that history will never repeat itself in bigotry. Hope that things will be o.k.
Obama may not deliver. He may be a failure. He deserves a chance to prove himself, though. It's what this country is all about.
BTW, my husband--the uber-Republican-- is very happy with the results of the election.:)
I vote with Chad...I dread the next 4 years. The accountant in me says tax deferred income...if you don't know what it means yet, you better learn fast!
Monica - I found your site from seeing who linked mine and I have an interesting perspective on all this. See I am the opposite of you , a Canadian living here in the states - while you are a stone throw from my parents house in Canada.
I am wondering how your friends in Vancouver are reacting and sharing their reactions with you, sometimes being in the backseat observing offers interesting views.
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