Don't Miss A Thing!

**** I have a tendency to write several blog posts in one sitting. I like to think of it as time management when I have a big block of time to sit down and get caught up. If you check in on the blog from time to time... be sure to scroll down, and you may have to even click onto the next page to be sure you've gotten all the latest Ramsey news. (Blogger has restricted the number of posts I can have on the first page, so I never know what exactly is coming up). Thanks for checking in with us, and following along on Our Great Life Adventure! ****

Friday, November 28, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving to our friends back in the United States. Since we didn't get to celebrate today, we'll have a nice dinner tomorrow when my mother-in-law comes in for a visit (Yay!). Two things about our dinner, first of all since it isn't Thanksgiving here I had no luck finding a turkey, so instead we'll have some yummy chicken dish. Second, I found a recipe in my Better Homes and Gardens magazine (yes, I'm a subscriber... you can make fun of me, but I'm domestically challenged and can use all the help I can get). It's for Pumpkin Chocolate Cheesecake and there were no pie crusts at the grocery store (maybe I need to shop somewhere else) so I had to make it from scratch (yikes!). I'm very excited about it and it just finished baking, so it will chill in the fridge overnight and ready for me (I mean, us) tomorrow! In my excitement I was telling Chad all about it (yes - I'm aware it means I'm pretty boring and also why would Chad care?). Anyway in this conversation I discovered that my husband doesn't like pumpkin pie! What? How did I not know this? We've been together for 7 years... he will eat anything except peanut butter and scalloped potatoes... why not pumpkin pie once a year? It wound up taking me forever to make it so my dear hubby will have to try some just to show support and appreciation for my effort.
On another note Thanksgiving related... I'm obviously very thankful for my family and friends. Just a few brief words wouldn't do them justice so I'll save it for something closer to Christmas when I'm sure to be reflective (and pouting) that we'll be in Canada and not in Illinois.
And finally... remember a few weeks ago we found a mouse? Well, I've been wiping counters, sweeping floors and looking for "evidence" ever since. I have not seen or heard anything in weeks... until tonight. I went downstairs to turn off a light and I hear something, I sat there frozen and then the bugger had the audacity to show himself. And I freaked out... Chad was laughing at me and I was genuinely upset (well he kind of stopped laughing once he realized how much it really makes me upset and crazy). I'm not exaggerating that I cannot sleep well when I have a fear (and now proof) that some rodent is taking residence in our home. Now it's nearly eleven at night and all wound up. So why tell this story? Because I'm also very thankful on this Thanksgiving that my husband is not afraid of mice (I'm not sure we would have gotten married if he couldn't handle these situations for me). So... thank you husband, and please... fix this little (actually, huge) problem ASAP or else I'm going over your head and straight to the exterminator.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Camelback Inn

More on my Arizona trip, I had left off with pictures from our Saturday night out. On our last full day we... laid at the pool - shocking, right? Although unlike the previous days we didn't have cocktails. Saturday drained and dehydrated us and we're older now so we just read, relaxed and talked. That evening, Ali took us to Camelback Inn. This is a huge resort near Camelback Mountain. It was beautiful there, instead of hotel rooms, it's all villas. Of course two great restaurants and a bar. My filet minion, potato pie, and calamari were excellent - and they served the tastiest Sangria I've ever had!
It's about time I sent a big shout out and HUGE thank you to Ali for hosting us. She had all the details covered, great food and snacks and the perfect location (I mean... RIGHT next to the pool). It was so great to spend time with Ali, Kristy and Lisa. It's probably going to be a long while until I see another girls weekend like that and you were all fabulous company.

Entrance into the main building at Camelback Inn. It was dark... so you can't get the real effect, cactus everywhere, fire pits are tables and gorgeous walkway.

Monday, November 24, 2008


The past few weeks Big B has started asking "Why?" quite a bit. I was prepared that it's part of the process as they are such sponges for knowledge at this age. I'm glad he does it most of the time because it reminds me to pause for moment and remember he's taking it all in and if I'm not telling him "why"... how else will he learn?
On the flip side there are a lot of "why" questions that really have the same answer "because I said so". I've tried not to use that and instead give him valid answers and reasons. For instance....
Me: Braden - it's time to go Nite Nite
Braden: Nooooo.... why? (picture a whiny voice)
Me: Because you need your sleep so you can have lots of energy to play with dad when he gets home tonight! :)

I know all of this is no crazy news - kids ask questions. I'm writing because today I noticed that every time he's asked me "why" it's gone like this:
Me: Braden - its time to leave (we were at a playgroup)
Braden: X-Why?
Or for nap time today:
Me: It's time to sleep
Braden: No... X-Why?

See what is happening here? Big B is saying X-Y like the alphabet, but trying to ask "Why". Once I realized what he was doing I got a little chuckle.

More AZ fun!

I can't believe its only been a week since I got back from Arizona. I already feel so far removed from the fantastic weather and girl time! Here are a few more pictures from our big night out. I think we were out in the Old Town area of Scottsdale (but I could be wrong, I wasn't really paying attention close enough after a day of beers at the pool!). It was such a cute area. Since this is a place that doesn't ever really get cold EVERYWHERE had huge outdoor patios. Kind of reminded me of being on spring break. We ate some food, drank some drinks and of course... danced! There is some video of me dancing (not to be shared here!)... I now realize it's time for retirement. I just don't have smooth moves... I'm a bit of a spazz. I'm sorry for any friends I've embarrassed over the years.

From L to R: Kristy, Ali, Me and Lisa. Considering we put back cocktails all day...I think we did a pretty good job pulling ourselves together (at least for a little while).

A cab? Forget it... we traveled by a biker, trolley type thing. We rode on the regular highway and everything. We laughed a lot on this ten minute journey.

Ahh... so maybe this is why I was such a dancing queen...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pajama Day!

Many people have asked me - "What do you and Braden do all week while Chad works?" Well here goes.
Monday - tot/mom playgroup (Lions Bay)
Tuesday - errands or PJ Day
Wednesdays - playgroup (Furry Creek)
Thursdays - errands or PJ Day
Fridays - class - a preschool setting (Squamish)
You'll see that Tuesdays and Thursdays are open. I'll take those days to run errands, grocery shop, and I have a few museums on my list we need to get to. When the weather was nice we'd go to the park or do something outside, but since it's too chilly now we make do. We're usually on the go since it's nice for Big B to experience things (it doesn't hurt it wears him out a bit too!). I'd rather have something going on. However... once a week I declare Pajama Day. What does that mean???

Pretty much like it sounds. Braden and I intentionally stay in PJs all day, don't leave the house and just get cozy and play.

Well... today is a Pajama Day... Yay!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

You can just call me a...

SLACKER! I know I'm not the only person out there that feels this way sometimes. First, let me explain. In college remember how it wasn't always mandatory to keep up with the reading, maybe 20 pages a week, that's pretty reasonable, right? Except when you don't keep up and have to try and read 100 pages about Economics in just 2 days before the midterm (who am I kidding... I still didn't read my Econ book, that was heavy stuff to sort through, but I went to class, took notes and guessed right on tests so I still got an A... the curve didn't hurt either). Man... sidetracked once again - back to my story. I'm sure I'm not making myself clear, so another example - laundry. If you just kept up with laundry it isn't a big deal. However if you let it pile up until you're just about out of undergarments it stares you in the face and the task just seems too big to tackle... but eventually you know you will have to get it done (unless you just run to the store and buy more underwear.) :)
Enough procrastination, I'll just get to the point specifically.

I'm Monica and I'm an Email Slacker.

This has happened to me a few times since I've moved to Canada. There are so many people I want to stay in touch with, on a personal level, not just my self-absorbed story telling blogging world. Well... with so many more emails from people all across the country I keep falling behind. But I have a good excuse (maybe?). Hear me out and try to forgive me if you are one of my dear friends I haven't gotten back to in 3 weeks (my friend Melissa from high school is probably laughing to herself since she has busted me several times). My reason is not (purely) laziness.
Rather... I put it off so I have time to give a thoughtful, sincere, lengthy response and give it the attention it deserves. That's my genuine reason. It's always easy to write back a line or two, but when it's someone I haven't communicated with in awhile I want to make sure I'm asking thoughtful, prompting questions about their life. I actually enjoy writing and sending these emails... except when I fall behind - and then I am reminded that its like too much laundry or an Economics book. And now I find myself with oodles of emails -and if I could just get myself to do a few a day it wouldn't be hard, but instead I'm thinking that I have to do it all at one time which I know - is silly. So - that's my big thing to do this week - get back to people! I'm really (100% honestly) sorry for not doing it sooner, it's nothing personal and I DO care how life is going and I DO love getting the emails from all of you (don't stop!).
Sidenote - Being on vaca last week and getting sucked into the Twilight Series added another week delay to this whole process.
Ok, now that is there I can just link to this post in my email response to avoid typing all that over and over and over again! :) Task one complete...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Poolside Baby!

What's the perfect weather to sit poolside? 85 and sunny... and that's what we got... ALL WEEKEND. I know Arizona gets impossibly hot in the summer, but I saw no evidence of that, so my memories exist only of perfect weather that I assume is there year round. Everywhere you go things are designed around being outdoors. So... I think I need to convince Chad I should visit in the summer (so even though I love hot weather, I can see for myself that it's actually TOO hot, because right ow I'm not buying it) And he really should let me so I can get the idea out of my head if my post Canada plan A (Dallas) doesn't work, maybe Arizona for Plan B???
Anyway -weather aside (and most importantly) I was there to visit friends. And boy, did I need some girl time and a few days to myself to unwind, recharge and refuel (miller lite, anyone? or is a margarita more your style?).
I'll post more about the trip... but I couldn't wait to share pictures at POOLSIDE BABY!

The view of the pool from Ali's balcony... I wasn't zooming in, she's just that close!

The Girls of the Weekend, From L to R: (Hostess) Ali, Me, Kristy and Lisa

If you know Ali - you'll appreciate this. She whipped out the "If" book for her question game

This is actually terrible picture of me, but I'm including it just so you can see how happy I was (like I said, I do know I look pretty silly)

Check Up

Today I took Big B to the doctor. It had been 8 months since his last visit and he's about to be two. So today was just a visit to determine what kind of follow up and tests we need to do about monitoring his Bradycardia (low heart rate). Heart rate today was 60 (but did speed up when he got annoyed with the dr and I for trying to keep him in one place - and that was a good thing it was so responsive). When he was in the hospital last year they found an arrhythmia (slight irregularity with hearbeat)... but the doctor couldn't detect that today so I'm hopeful he's grown out of it. We won't know with certainty until we get him to the cardiologist. We go back to the dr in 3 weeks to review results, get referrals, etc
We did get his "stats" and they are:
33lbs - between 90 and 95th percentile
36 in - between 75 and 90th percentile
He's been between the 75-95th his whole life - so he's consistently a pretty solid little dude.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Why do I wind up living somewhere that the sun isn't going to shine until next May? Ahhh... the weather in Arizona was PERFECT. I have much to share about our great memories from my trip... but not tonight. I'm exhausted and I have to finish the final book in the Twilight series (Edward Cullen...sigh :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Did my child just really???

Ok... this can't be really what my son meant to say... maybe I misunderstood??? He was in no way in trouble, I was just asking more or less to keep the conversation going.
The scene: Braden at the table playing with a magnet puzzle board, me at the sink putting dishes away.

Braden: Lion is broken

Me: Awe, Hon...did you break your lion?

Braden: (Quiet... and then) No... Daddy broke it.

PS... Chad's not home and he doesn't play with this toy. Hmmm...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I Can Finally Relax...

Why? Many reasons. The first that just happened 5 minutes ago... and really set my mind at ease... I found my missing camera. Whew... that would have been a HUGE problem, and thankfully I don't have to think about crying or throwing a tantrum like my son (not that I haven't had a great role model lately to show me how to do it best... he's almost two - I don't think I need to elaborate further).
Why else it is time to relax??? Well if you remember I booked to trip to visit my dear friend Ali who just relocated to Scottsdale... as in ARIZONA. The weather forecast is low 80s and sunny, which is picture perfect. Two other friends (Lisa and Kristy) are coming in from Illinois. We'll have cocktails (too many) poolside and maybe even venture out once or twice (but even if we didn't... I'd be perfectly happy and content). Now that I've reminded you (and made those in the midwest jealous), I can tell you that I leave tomorrow and will not return until Monday afternoon.
Not only will I get to see some fabulous friends in perfect weather, I will also be able to freely have cold beers, or tasty frozen margaritas... without being concerned about getting up in the morning to spend time with the little man. Does that mean I could sleep in until 10am??? That would be amazing! (Not that I think I can even sleep in that late anymore, on our honeymoon I couldn't sleep past 9am, but I am MORE than willing to try). I also will not have to cook a meal for 5 days.
As most things in life it's a tad bittersweet. I know that despite my excitement to get a vaca and break from my job as a full time mommy I will really miss Braden (probably too much, and by Saturday I'm sure I'll have to remember not to call 5 times a day to check in - hello -calling international!). He's really just such a sweet and funny kid, and I enjoy him - he's my buddy! I must also thank my SUPER husband that makes it all possible for me to have this getaway, and also does such a great job with our son day to day.

Oh... and I can't forget I'm also NOT looking forward to being in a bikini. But since I'll be among close friends and this lady is spoken for - it makes the impossible... possible.

So long and farewell, "overcast,chilly, it-hasn't-stopped-raining-in-3 weeks" British Columbia! Hello sunny Arizona!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lucky Guy...

Chad's a lucky guy these days... our little man has shifted from his "momma's boy" status to sharing most of his focus, love and attention to Chad when he's here. Don't get me wrong, I still get plenty of cuddles... but if Braden has his dad in the room, at this point in time - I don't stand a chance. It's bittersweet for me, of course I'm sad not to be his favorite. However, it's quite precious to see Braden talk about his dad when he's not around - and be so, so excited when he is.
As I type this, my two favorite men are napping on the couch together. I would take a picture but I cannot locate my camera. Number one suspect is about 3 ft, blond hair, blue eyes. I'm trying not to panic and hope to find it by this evening.
On another note - the timing of Braden's current obsession with Chad is perfect since I'm leaving in less than 48 hours for my trip to Arizona. I'll have some comfort (and less guilt) knowing Braden is happy as can be spending the weekend with his Daddy.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Another reason...

Sundays are my favorite days, especially this time of year when football is on. (Although I'm pretty devastated about my fantasy team this year - I can only imagine it's how Detroit Lions fans are feeling... just wishing they could start the year over again. Sorry Ben, I feel your pain).
Anyway... there is another reason Sundays are great... Brothers and Sisters on ABC! If you aren't watching it, you should! The first two seasons are on DVD and it's the perfect time of year to snuggle up on the couch and get caught up!

One of my favorite lines tonight... "Mom, have you and Elton done the dance with no pants"? I guess you have to watch it to get the chuckle I did out of it.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Favorite word of the day

Courtesy of Braden... you knew the day was coming. It's not a surprise, but drum roll anyway.... the favorite word of the day is "NO". Oh fun day.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Can't forget...

Nothing really to report today (well, that's not completely true... I'm working through something in my head, but I'll work on it this weekend). So just for fun I'm posting a goofy picture of our little man - in large part to remind me he's sweet and silly - sometimes a reminder helps when its only 12:15 and it's already been a really, really long day!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Little dude got his first card...

His first library card, it's in his name and everything. We took our first trip to the Squamish Public Library this week. We didn't go before because we've kept pretty busy and all the story times are during nap times at 1:00 (what's that all about?). Now that winter is just around the corner (which here means cold and rain... lots of it), I needed to find something else we can do outside the house. He liked it... although for me personally I found it hard to browse a lot of the children's books since he wanted to stay in the play area with the puppets (more on those later), but who can blame him? Either way... we'll make regular trips there for something to do when we (me) are getting stir crazy.

Lame picture... but it's the only one I got of him holding his new library card. He's still too young to "strike a pose" at my every request.

Found the Puppets... forget the books this time Mom.
And they are going with me ever where I go...

Ah... found a nice spot to settle so. Mom, put down the camera and get comfortable... we're going to be here awhile.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


MOOPP - My One and Only Political Post - I felt like I needed to record what is in my head on this night, so bare with me. This was actually much longer before I cut half of it out, my thoughts were scattered. And I almost managed to avoid mentioning how historical this is - only now I just did.. oops, sometimes you just can't get around the obvious.
And a disclaimer... if you're not into Obamarama... don't hate on me because I got wrapped up. I'm still the same person and I still love you to bits and pieces even if you really thought Palin was ready. We can all agree to disagree. There... I said it. And if it's really going to put your panties in a bunch... just don't read the rest of the post. (Let me reiterate... it's my only political post... my husband wouldn't want me to go on and on about this and he doesn't agree with me. I don't want to make him guilty by association either.)
You know... McCain isn't a bad guy. I never thought he was. In fact... in the past I've admired him and if the grouchy, strict conservatives hadn't picked and pushed through their puppet man eight years ago in 2000 I would have gladly and proudly voted for McCain. Let me just say here that personally (outside of politics) I kind of think Bush is a hoot... can you imagine he's your quirky uncle at a family reunion that always says cooky things and bad jokes and when he's around you always get a good chuckle at his expense... and he doesn't mind (actually he probably wouldn't realize it). Ok... I'm off topic, sorry.
Back in 2000, McCain seemed to me to be the man my generation was looking for, he seemed to appeal to people in both parties and independents too... not afraid to stand up to the good old boys and cross the line. That's the "maverick" they kept referring to. I think many people would have crossed the "party lines" to vote for him... back then. But over the last 8 years that "edge" he had, that fearlessness to do what he thought was right... it almost entirely disappeared. Don't get me wrong... there were a few moments through this campaign I saw speckles of that genuine person, but once he picked Palin, (or got talked into it or whatever all that was about - I think this was the beginning of the end, not that I don't think Palin is a great public speaker and has charisma, but she isn't ready... not even close), I realized that the Republican strong hold got him and he was willing to do and say whatever it was to get elected as the nominee. McCain went back on so many things he stood up against in the past, it was disappointing. And I can't go without mention that he also got 8 years older and a bit cranky.
But, McCain's concession speech tonight the man speaking reminded me of the old Maverick. So... I do like him and wish him the best and hope he goes back to keeping people in check and contributing to the uphill battle the US of A has ahead as a Senator.

With all that said... how exciting. Seeing the HUGE crowd at Grant Park in Chicago makes me sad I'm not there to feel the energy, I can only imagine it's like if the Cubs ever won the World Series again. hehe :).
Obamarama... ChicagObama.... Obama Fever, however you want to describe it... it's pretty powerful to observe from the backseat here in Canada. I can't remember it ever being such a huge celebration. It's insane, in cities across the country people are in the streets together sharing their joy. I know many people out are not comforted by this decision, but many people are and maybe in time over the next several years everyone can get on the same page and we'll see things get better. To see all these people together, united and happy just knowing some kind of change is going to rock this world can't be a bad thing. No one can deny he's doing things a little differently and "changing" with the times... his campaign reached out via Internet, email, text message - in ways never done before.
To sum it all up...I commented on my friend's blog tonight, they are getting ready to leave the US to live in Spain - While I'm living out of country (and you will be soon too)... I'm feeling optimistic about things for the first time in awhile for the place we call "home".
Hey... maybe a "community organizer" that took himself from the lower part of the public service totem pole to the top office is onto something with this whole "build the middle class" and it will spread good things to all people in the country.
And his acceptance speech... wow... he's impressive. Dare we have the Audacity to Hope? YES WE DO!
PS... are these results considered a landslide?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday Mumbles

I've been thinking a lot of random thoughts lately...
- Did you know that dry cleaning here is INSANE? It's at least $18 to do a 2 piece suit! Since most of our readers are probably in Illinois or Texas I called for a comparison check - in Chicago -$8.95. In Dallas - $8.00.
- I have come to the decision that my friend Ali is right about something. In college (and all the years that have followed) she has made a case for Yankee Candles. We've all told her she should be their spokesperson. After trying so many candles over the years to get just the right cozy scent... Yankees are the best. And I'm glad that I actually found a place here that I can get them at HALF price... surprising for Canada that I can find something less expensive.
- Am I the only person that can't figure out a good way to dice tomatoes without making a mess and wasting half the tomato?
- I cook dinner and Chad's job is the dishes. Lately, I've been trying to help out with this and out things I use to cook dinner in the dishwasher as I go. Chad can't stand the way I load the dishwasher... apparently I waste all sorts of space and put things he would wash by hand, like pots and pans. Let me be clear... I was SURE to register for cookware that is dishwasher friendly because I HATE washing dishes. So is it really a big deal I put them in there? Besides, isn't it good they get a super hot bath once in awhile?
- I used to be a horrible sleeper. For years I couldn't fall asleep until late at night, which is why I was never a good morning person. Once we moved here after the first two weeks I started sleeping wonderfully. Asleep by about 10:30 and didn't wake up until Braden did. Well... sadly the past three weeks I've reverted back to awful sleeping. I can't fall asleep before midnight and I'm waking up several times. I can't find a good explanation for this. No wonder every day around 3 or 4 in the afternoon I hit a wall of exhaustion for about an hour.
- Did you all know that the Canadian dollar right now sucks? It's about 75 cents to the dollar so when we have to transfer money to pay mortgage and other bills still in the US we're losing 25% of the money just on the conversion rate.... ouch.
- My friend Staci reminded me about a little place called the Dollar Store. I had forgotten all about it. I've hit up three different stores the past few weeks, what a great place to get things for crafts for Braden. Plus... I can let him walk around with me minus the assistance of a cart or stroller because if he breaks anything... I can swing the cost for replacement.
- I sometimes wonder... is Braden going to get a Canadian accent? When he starts preschool next September and is with the other kids will he start saying, "Eh?" at the end of his sentences?
- I was going to start aggressively potty training Braden this week since for more than a week now each day he's used the potty once or twice a day to take care of both kinds of his business. However since he has decided he can't follow instructions to stop throwing his toys (even though he knows better)... so I just have a feeling he isn't mature enough to follow these instructions either. We've got some time... so we'll keep doing what we have been and go at it 100% at another time.
- Yesterday I started reading the first book in the Twilight Series that everyone is raving about. I originally bought the first two books for Chad after hearing amazing reviews and knowing that he really likes vampire books. I guess now is the time to come clean with my husband and let him know that since then I've gotten the clue that these books seem to be geared towards a female audience. I honestly didn't think that when I got them, sorry babe!
- If you read Chad's last post about the unfriendly (and unwelcome) visitor this weekend I'll give you an update. Since then Chad has three traps set up... he tells me he hasn't caught anymore and thinks it was just the one. Am I wrong for being suspicious that he may be hiding the truth (lying) to me because I am (excessively) paranoid about having an encounter with the furry rodent? I swear if I come across one (or even worse find one in a trap) while he's out of town this week for work - Braden and I will be locked in our bedroom most of the day with a towel under the door.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

They're baaaaack!

This morning our son woke up at 330 AM (don't ask, we don't know either). Monica was a trooper and took the first shift. Braden took her warning after a few cuddles, singing, ect and slept for an additional 20 minutes before telling us he was done sleeping. Once again my wonderful wife took the kiddo out to the living so I could catch some Z's.

This was interrupted at 6:30 AM with Monica climbing back into bed telling me there was something in the wall and she wasn't going back out there. This meant it was my turn to venture out into the living room because I couldn't hear the "noise" in the fireplace. We ate breakfast, ect...and then I heard it. A little scratching and knocking around in the fireplace.

I figured...what the hell...I'll put a trap down and see what happens. Yep, nailed one about 5 minutes later. Looks like we're at that time in the year where they are looking for somewhere warm to hide. Not in my house damn it! I just hope I can get this taken care of before I leave next Tuesday. Monica and mice don't mix.