Last week I did the 100 list Challenge and this week I'm doing one for Chad and I... enjoy! Maybe you'll learn something new, chuckle, or maybe I will have bored you.
1) We met at a Leadership Conference called LeaderShape in May of 1999.
2) We were just good friends for about 2 years.
3) Chad at the time was "Sigma Chi Cool"
4) This means that he was in black pants, dress shirts and matching black leather jackets with the rest of his ISU Sigma Chi crew anytime they left the house after 9pm.
5) You could always spot them across the bar, I didn't know them at the time and wondered "why do these guys always dress alike?"
6) I shouldn't talk, in college I had a pair of "pleather" black pants
7) My friend made me a scrapbook and put in a picture of me wearing these and I was so embarrassed
8) After 2 years Chad decided he wanted to date me
9) But I wasn't all that interested
10) It just made him want me more, he thought I was playing hard to get
11) But really.... I wasn't all that interested
12) It didn't stop me from making out with him once after too many cocktails
13) But we went back to being friends very quickly
14) We started really dating a little over year after that (and obviously by then I was very interested!)
15) That was February of 2002
16) We've been together for the"better part" of the past 6 1/2 years
17) Which means we had some "growing pains" along the way - but a lot of 20 somethings will
18) We bought our first condo together and closed on March 15, 2006
19) And we found out we were pregnant with Braden on April 2, 2006!
20) Chad purposed on March 2, 2007
21) I have a really strange knack for remembering dates
22) The master bath in our condo had a single sink vanity, we hated that
23) The place we live in now has a large bathroom and double sink vanity
24) But oddly, we still use the same sink
25) Chad is the Sales Manager for Western Canada for Intercall
26) He's been with Intercall for almost 7 years
27) After grad school I worked for my sorority executive office (Delta Delta Delta)
28) The office is in Arlington, TX and I lived downtown Dallas
29) I loved living in Texas
30) I'm VERY open to the idea of settling there permanently one day
31) Chad isn't... but I think I'm wearing him down
32) I'm surprised we're in Vancouver since I NEVER thought Chad would leave Chicago
33) We both miss Chicago friends and family very much
34) But agree that this is where we need to be now
35) Although we don't know many people here
36) And haven't had a one on one date since our honeymoon
37) That's sad isn't it?
38) I think we forget since life with toddler keeps you busy
39) And because we see a lot of each other here in Canada... since we really only see each other in Canada
40) I predict that for the 3rd (maybe 4th) year in a row my fantasy football team will rank higher than Chad's
41) Chad is a great dad
42) He adores Braden
43) I'm lucky that he helps around the house too
44) I cook... he does the dishes
45) I start laundry... he usually finishes it
46) I sweep... he takes out the garbage
47) I grocery shop and do the errands... he does the lawn
48) Somehow I got stuck with washing the hardwood floors
49) I despise washing the hardwood floors
50) But some things you just have to do yourself or they won't get done
51) Chad gets Braden each morning to change him, give him some juice
52) So Braden and I can lay in bed together for about 30-45 minutes while he leaves for work
53) Chad is a good morning person
54) I am not a good morning person
56) We went to St Lucia for our honeymoon
58) If you have a child and can go away on a trip when they are 14 months old and reconnect as a couple... DO IT. It was wonderful
59) Pre-Braden days Chad and I went out... a lot... there are many people that might say we went out too much
60) Favorite place to go out...Sundays - Football - Joes - Sunday Funday!

63) Chad's bachelor party was in Austin, TX
64) Those guys go on a lot of trips for bachelor parties... Vegas, Ozarks, Minnesota, Austin
65) He owes me a girls trip
66) I'll redeem that girls trip when I'm done having kids
67) And by then I will not feel guilty because I know I will deserve a MASSIVELY wonderful (and week long) girls trip! :)
68) I have wonderful, amazing friends, they are truly like family to me
69) I miss them very much
70) But so far we've kept in good touch, and when I saw them it was like I never left
71) Chad will watch any movie, any genre
72) He will also watch the same movie over and over (and over) again even if he doesn't like it that much just because it's on TV
74) My favorite athlete is Tom Brady - I've been a fan for 6 years
75) And not JUST because he's All-American Yum-Yum!
76) Braden was at first going to be named Brady (and he may wind up using Brady, we're going to let him decide)
77) If Chad wasn't doing what he was doing and was going to work with his hands he'd probably be a carpenter (he says it's something he doesn't know how to do... but would love to be skilled at)
78) He really likes doing things around the house
79) I very much appreciate that about him
80) I do not know why I'm still hanging on to clothes of mine Pre-Braden that are a size two... I mean... MAYBE a four (some day... sigh) with lot of hard work... but a 2??? Those days are gone, I need to let it go
81) Chad is not a picky eater
82) Which is lucky for me... because 1) I am a picky eater, it would be too hard to feed two picky eaters! and 2) Despite my effort, I do not have a knack in the kitchen
83) But I keep trying
84) Why is it that I follow a recipe a friend gives me so I know it's good, but when I make it I don't get the same yummy satisfaction?
85) My "old stand by" is Shake-in-Bake, mashed potatoes and roles (with veggies added for Braden)
86) Chad only has a few things he cares about when it comes to food and the most important is that he doesn't have to cook it
87) He doesn't like anything with peanut butter, scalloped potatoes or green bean casserole
88) Chad is kind to me... he puts up with what some may call at times a bit of "nagging"
89) But at least I recognize without having to be called out and it's a personal goal to work on it
90) Both Chad and I have never lived alone... after college we lived with roommates before we moved in together
91) I just realized I'm kind of boring, sorry
92) Chad was born in Kansas
93) I was born in Florida
94) Chad and his brother Keith are 1 year, 4 days apart in age.
95) My sister and I are 1 year, 24 days apart
96) I give our moms a lot of credit... that would be a lot of hard work
97) Probably why both of them stopped after two kids :)
98) I look forward to a happy future with Chad and growing OLD together!
99) While it's so hard to be away from friends and family... we are both happy to be living in this nice home, in this beautiful part of the world, and we know it's a step in the process that will bring us closer to our dreams and long term goals. So...yay Vancouver!
100) I don't say it enough... Love you Chad! :) Thanks for everything!
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