Don't Miss A Thing!
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Chad and Mon's 100 List

Another random thought

Rain, Rain Go Away...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Manhood Test? I failed!!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008
Raina and Braden picture day!

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Love You, Love You

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Momma's Boy
Braden's Top 100
Oh... the thoughts aren't in any good order, I kind of jumped around a lot since I'm just typing what I'm thinking as it comes into my head.
1) Full name: Braden Allen Ramsey
2) Born 12/06/06 - 2:12pm - 8 lbs 10 oz, 22 in
3) First tooth - 4 months
4) Crawling - 5 1/2-6 months
5) Walking - 10 1/2 months - yes, that's early and really... life changes after that - he could have waited another 3 months and it wouldn't have bothered me!
6) First word- Ball
7) LOVES books - could be entertained almost all day with them
8) The kid can chase balls around a room for an hour uninterrupted and be content
9) Braden is way too obsessed with Dora and Diego... I need to fix this for my own sanity
10) The Dora theme song is stuck in my end for too many minutes each day, it's annoying
11) Braden is the best hugger in the world
12) He loves to gives hugs and kisses... and most often for no reason.
13) I cherish those moments now since I realize it won't be too long before he doesn't want to snuggle with me anymore
14) Braden will eat anything if his Dad is eating it
15) Braden likes fruits, veggies and meat
16) But his favorite is really chicken nuggets
17) He had them at least 2 times a week...
18) It's completely my fault, but it's so easy to get on the go for him to eat in the car
19) Braden sleeps 11 hours a night
20) But no matter when he goes down he's up by 6:30
21) So if he goes to bed later, he just is a bit crabby when he wakes up
22) But, it was a pleasant surprise this morning when he didn't get up until 7:00
23) I'm only on #23???
24) Braden loves choo choo trains
25) We are getting him a big train set for his birthday/christmas combo
26) I know he's kind of getting chipped since we're are combining that and maybe it's not fair
27) But I figure he's too young to be really aware so we can get away with it this year
28) To just go out and buy the Thomas the Train set is insanely (I mean crazy) expensive
29) So we're going to build out the table on our own to save money
30) Who am I kidding... I'm not buiding it, but Chad will :)
31) Braden can get out of his crib now
32) But has only done it twice
33) I think he thought the fall kind of hurt
34) It's time to move him to a toddler bed
35) But we lost the directions how to convert the crib when we moved
36) Braden thinks brushing his teeth is fun
37) He has 17 teeth
38) Braden says a lot of phrases now
39) He loves to say "Poopy Diaper"
40) He says it 4 or 5 times in a row
41) He also says, Thank You Mommy...
42) And it melts my heart every time
43) He's in this "wants to help with everthing" phase
44) It's cute...but I can't take a step without him on my heels and I'm getting tripped up constantly
45) He learned how to "hop" on his own
46) He expends a lot of energy "hopping"
47) But it takes a lot for him to run out of energy
48) He's pretty much non-stop all day
49) His favorite word is "Please"
50) He overuses it
51) But there are worse things he could be saying too much
52) I'm definitely the stricter parent
53) Braden has his dad wrapped around his finger
54) I hope to have Braden potty trained by the end of the year
55) He's probably more ready for it than I am
56) I find the whole potty training process a bit overwhelming
57) I mean - what do you do when you're at the mall and he's got to go?
58) They are too little to sit on the seat...
59) I need to do more research first
60) Braden is crazy for puppies (any dogs)
61) But he a little scared and facinated all at the same time
62) Just at #62, huh???
63) He's a huge flirt
64) He is 100% his father's son
65) He looks like a Ramsey
66) He adored all four of his cousins
67) He still asks for them
68) He loves to play with kids
69) So we signed up for another two classes starting in Sept
70) I'm think we'll sign up for one more
71) Next spring he'll start soccer
72) I wish more kids lived in the neighborhood
73) He is really good at remembering people's names
74) I tell Braden he isn't allowed to jump on the couch
75) But Chad is the one that taught him how
76) He loves his new United States puzzle
77) He's obsessed with the alphabet right now
78) But instead of starting with ABC he starts with RAM
79) That's because I was trying to teach him his last name
80) Braden loves bubble baths
81) But I assume most kids do
82) He takes 3 hour naps most days
83) Sometimes Braden can be whiny
84) But usually he's happy and giddy
85) We don't know how we got so lucky
86) But don't be fooled...
87) He can throw a fit with the best of them
88) Katie Hager (my friend from college and sorority sister) is his godmother
89) Andy Dunbar (Chad's friend from high school) is his godfather
90) One thing Braden got from me is thin hair
91) I'm sorry about that Braden
92) Braden wears a size 8 shoe already
93) Sorry... I know if you don't have kids that means nothing
94) He's just about 3 ft tall
95) He'll probably be taller than me by 5th grade
96) Braden is diagnosed with Bradycardia - low heart rate
97) His daytime resting heart rate is in the 60s and when he sleeps it gets into the 40s
98) But he has no treatment for it, the good news is his heart functions at 100%, it pumps very efficiently.
99) So we pretend he'll be a super athlete :)
100) But it doesn't matter if he's a super athlete, an engineer, a carpenter, a salesman, a musician... he has endless opportunities and we just want him to live a happy life. LOVE YOU BRADEN!
Friday, August 22, 2008
The Miller's say "I Do"

The Groom and Colleen - (friends growing up together in DeKalb)

Part of the "DeKalb Crew" - from left to right, Brett, Colleen, Paulie, Landon, Kyle and Jen

Ali, Me and Staci at Cocktail Hour

Chad and I at dinner... the first wedding we stood up in together!

Don't worry... Chad isn't jealous of this picture, he was the one that took it! Good friends Jack and Joel showing how much they miss us! :)

First time I attended a Jewish wedding... they did the dancing with the chairs. The old cheerleader in me was totally paranoid and trying to spot the stunt!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
We've had better days...

Choo Choo... Train


Mom...it's hot. I just want to enjoy my mini-rail ride. I already smiled for pictures.

Ok woman... seriously... stop taking my picture.
What $4.50 will get you

Beautiful Sunsets

Friday, August 15, 2008
Kylie Marie - aka - Ky Ky - 2 years old. Kylie is a sweet girl who knows what she wants. She likes to smile and play. She also loves Barney. She loves to tell you stories and I could pick up about every 5th word, but let me tell ya... she knows what she's saying. So cute! She has curly hair and resembles her Grandma Ramsey. She is 6 month older than our little man. Braden and Kylie had the most fun chasing each other in the outdoor kids house and the pool. They also had a lot of conversation - just between the two of them!

Miss Kylie - she's good at this, she gets lots of practice at Grandma Ramseys with her tea set!

Ky Ky and Braden having one of their special conversations

Braden and Raina playing at Grandma Carol's and Uncle Jim's house
Raina and Braden - bathtime fun! Look at both of their genuine smiles... so happy!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Boyds in Bloomington!
Thanks Boyds for sticking around so we could all get together. I look forward to visiting again - hopefully for a few days rather than a few hours! :) Happy Birthday to O!

Braden was not happy with us since we wouldn't let him climb up and down the stairs.
The Boyd Family

Sunday Party...

Braden greeting guests at the door

Braden and Aunt Staci

A rarity... a picture of Braden and I together (I'm usually behind the camera). Braden is eating the ice cream cone he stole from me. I tried just to share, but he just assumed control of the the whole thing and finished it off himself.

A cute father-son moment... Braden thinks Chad is hilarious.

Staci, Me and her husband Jason