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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Pity Party

Ok... I didn't post about this before because I keep holding out and calling this a "phase". Am I kidding myself? Just the past three mornings... 5:45, 5:00 and this morning 4:00. These are the times Braden is getting out of bed. This is similar to the past month (with the exception of last week). I won't go on and on... but this is about more than just me having to get up early (and yes - I have spent an hour trying to get him back to sleep on numerous occasions... and let him "cry it out" - oh I would if I could, but he just gets out. My repeated efforts to put him back don't work in the morning (at least that's not a problem when putting him to sleep at night... thankful for small victories).
Anyway - it's also about this little man that is NOT getting enough sleep. He's cranky by 9:30am and it's really not that fun. I wish he was well rested, happier toddler=happier momma. And well yes it's a little about me... I am so NOT a morning person. This makes me miserable and want to cry (ok... yes - this morning I actually cried... who's the baby - me or Braden?).
But I'm trying to keep some perspective and I know that eventually this will get better.


Christine said...


I am sorry. It really does suck. I don't have any advise. Addison has stopped. It is more than miserable when they don't sleep. Hang in there.

Heather said...


It is probably just a phase?? I have known others in your predicament-although not 4am- and they just seemed to deal with it and put the kids down early at night. I am not sure this is what is correct or what you want to hear. If it makes you feel better-I have a bit of a non-napper. I always joke that she came out awake and has not fallen asleep since. Others would say bring him into bed with you and maybe then he would fall back asleep. Not sure if some would agree, if this would create bad habits, etc. The one thing I have learned is that you have to do what is right for you and your family and no one else should judge.
Good luck Mon.