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**** I have a tendency to write several blog posts in one sitting. I like to think of it as time management when I have a big block of time to sit down and get caught up. If you check in on the blog from time to time... be sure to scroll down, and you may have to even click onto the next page to be sure you've gotten all the latest Ramsey news. (Blogger has restricted the number of posts I can have on the first page, so I never know what exactly is coming up). Thanks for checking in with us, and following along on Our Great Life Adventure! ****

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Eagle Run Park

Last Sunday while Grandma Ramsey was in town we decided to check out Eagle Run Park. It's just 15 minutes from where we live and I've been anxious to see what it's all about. Here is an excerpt from the "Squamish Tourist" Website.

"The Squamish area has the greatest concentration of wintering bald eagles in the world. Between late November and March, literally thousands of eagles call the Brackendale area of Squamish home - making eagle viewing and eagle tours an incredible attraction. Peak eagle viewing is from mid-December to mid-January. In the 1994 bird count, Squamish had the world record count of 3,769 eagles."
Now... I'll be honest - we didn't see that many so it was a bit disappointing. (And none of the pictures I took turned out well, it was very dreary outside and they were on the other side of the river). But we did see a few and I plan on going back again in late December to see what all the hoopla is about. In other eagle sighting news... we've seen several close to our house soaring between trees, just across the street the other day.

Chad, Big B, and Grandma Ramsey at Eagle Run Park. This is one of the rivers that has major salmon activity also. (which is the primary attraction for all the eagles).

Me, Braden and Grandma - we stopped at a viewing area off the highway near Brittania Beach (about 5 minutes from our house) to grab some scenic photos at twilight.

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