Day of Birth - 12/06/06 - 2:12pm - 8lbs. 10oz - 22 in

3 months old... taking a snooze. Thanks to the Underwoods for the T-shirt!

6 months old - Always smiling :)

9 months... he's saying "Mom - why do you insist on taking pictures of me in a diaper all the time. You know it just shows off all my baby chub!"

Saturday, December 6th was Braden's 2nd birthday. I know everyone says it... but the time really does fly by. I mean now he's 100% a little boy and not a baby. It's bittersweet for me personally. Great to see him get older and keep learning so much... but it also makes me sad he's getting older and those first two years are already behind us. As for what he's doing... what isn't he doing (and climbing on/into/over)? He's putting together sentences and he can follow instructions (unless he is practicing his already well toned male "selective" hearing. I didn't realize it was something men are born with!). He loves trains, balls, books, animals, playing with other kids, Dora/Diego. As for the highly anticipated (or terrified) arrival of the "terrible twos"... it's been an ongoing process for about two months. Most days are awesome, but some days are not. I'm learning a lot about myself too (how much patience I have... or sometimes don't) and Big B and I are working through it together.
Note to Braden - it would help out A TON if you would sleep in until 7:00/7:30 (seriously - even a guarantee you'd make it to 6:30 everyday would be great).
But those moments that are tough don't compare to all the good moments. This growing up thing is pretty cool and I'm a lucky woman to have a front row seat every day.
We celebrated his birthday with a few guests and their children on Saturday evening. I think a good time was had by all the kids... with the assistance of a sugar rush from cookies and cake they all had a huge dance party :) Braden was asleep about 15 minutes after everyone left - when he's that exhausted you know he's had great time! I also learned that I made WAY too much food. I'm used to when my girlfriends and I would do appetizers... we didn't mess around and pretty much grazed for 2 or 3 hours, not the case so we had lots of leftovers to work with... not to mention the ridicously huge cake I made. Two layers Mon... really? I think only 1/4 was eaten. Oops... Lesson learned!

He blew out the candle on his own and after we sang he said, "Happy Birthday again please"

He doesn't realize at this point that it's a birthday present (remote controlled train... fun!), he's just fastinated with the balls on the bag!
1 comment:
Please please tell us where you got the "trashed at prom" tee shirt! Cameron and I were laughing out loud when we saw that...we need one for our little man! Happy 2nd birthday, B-Man!
:) Jen & Cameron
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