As you know we live on a mountain (the picture at the top of the blog is taken from our porch - with no zoom). The body of water is known as the Howe Sound, and the mountains we look at are the Coastal Mountains. Well the Howe Sound area experience some really intense wind storms, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and again last night/this morning. I don't know exactly how fast - but rumor has it around 90 kph - so that would be about 55 mph. Some trees in the neighborhood came down - and the power went out THREE times! The second time it was starting to get dark out - and we had everything lined up to create pizzas for dinner (when I say we - I mean Braden and I, remember Chad doesn't cook!). BAM! Lights out! We pulled out candles and I let Braden snack on some of the pizza ingredients! I'm happy to say that by 11pm that night the lights were back on and we haven't had another incident since then.

1 comment:
I love that you're rattling off that conversion from KPH to MPH so quickly.
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