Don't Miss A Thing!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
What a Happy New Year!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Big B goes to BBB

Christmas in Canada

Virtual Xmas card... late - sorry!
Friday, December 26, 2008
It's only fair... I guess
In other news, I have TONS to post about, but instead I've been working on a project for my old company to being in some extra moola to the Ramsey household. I'll resume posting shortly.
Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Blizzard? Seriously? No.

To be fair to the people who considered this blizzard conditions... this was on the first day of snow, there actually was a lot more than came in the next day.

Santa and My Little Elf

Thursday, December 18, 2008
He always knows...

Lights Out!!!

Infected... argh.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
On a different note...
Today got worse... but then it got better... and ended on a nice note (Big B was a funny character)! I took pictures and will share them this week. My brain is kind of mush and I can't locate my camera easily.
So things are better... and I'm hopeful that tomorrow brings some more of that our way. We have our weekly neighborhood play date so I'm excited for some adult chit chat and for Braden to play with his buddies.
Pity Party
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Our own little Winter Wonderland

Mall in December... why?

The Reindeer Hat

So there is this massive mall in Burnaby, Metrotown. One of the first things I see is this tiny woman walking with her son about the same age as Braden... wearing ridiculous stiletto heel boots. I mean... who can wear shoes like that with a toddler shopping? I walked for about 6 hours today (between both malls) and my feet feel the pain and I was wearing tennis shoes. I can tell you I wouldn't have made it 30 minutes in shoes like that. Her stroller was FULL of things so you know she'd been there awhile. I guess people like Victoria Beckham and Sarah Jessica Parker can wear 4 inch heels without issue, but I... I cannot even imagine. (On a a side note - every time I've typed "heel" I've accidentally (honestly) written "hell" and had to fix it). And yeah... I totally took out my camera to capture the moment, I was trying to be not obvious which is why it was far away to start with.

I have a son... I love it. I was destined to be a boy's mother. While I worry about having a boy and all the bruises, broken bones and cracked skulls... nothing made me as dizzy and nervous as looking for gifts for my two nieces and entering the "pink" zone at Toys R Us. This picture is just 1/4 of what I could see... WAY too much pink. I felt like I was trapped and couldn't escape back to the primary color toys.

Surprise, I have something else to complain about. It makes no sense to me that stores 100% devoted to baby clothes doesn't have room for a stroller to get through. Can't afford the rent... maybe that's because the moms with strollers can't get in and look at what you have to offer. Yes... I'm talking to you Please Mum and Gap Kids.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Celebrate the Day of Birth

3 months old... taking a snooze. Thanks to the Underwoods for the T-shirt!

6 months old - Always smiling :)

He blew out the candle on his own and after we sang he said, "Happy Birthday again please"

He doesn't realize at this point that it's a birthday present (remote controlled train... fun!), he's just fastinated with the balls on the bag!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Eagle Run Park

Chad, Big B, and Grandma Ramsey at Eagle Run Park. This is one of the rivers that has major salmon activity also. (which is the primary attraction for all the eagles).Me, Braden and Grandma - we stopped at a viewing area off the highway near Brittania Beach (about 5 minutes from our house) to grab some scenic photos at twilight.
Monday, December 8, 2008
A BIG Day for Big B

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Our "Thanksgiving" Dinner... and Christmas Decorating!