Don't Miss A Thing!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Summer... Summer... Summer Time
The Mom Tan and other Playground thoughts
Pony Rides
Friday, May 29, 2009
I'm just not that kind of girl...

For whatever reason, I felt compelled to point it out to my dear son since he loves all things animals. Well Braden watched this little creature for nearly 30 minutes, and every time he jumped I squirmed. That's right, this one inch frog had me on edge. I kept Braden from touching him by telling him he didn't want to hurt him so he just needed to watch. But seriously... how am I going to make it the next few years as Braden is surely going to start capturing creepy crawlies and wanting to show me??? This is not the kind of thing I do so well with...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
No news... is good news
Friday, May 22, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
My kind of town...
Listen to the Teacher
One of these days...
Monday, May 18, 2009
A nice little Sunday
Short video of Braden laughing at the "silly marmosets". He was very amused.
Time for Swim Class!
It's happening NOW!
Remember my friend Jessica that works for the Children's Hospital in Dallas? She has the blog, From the Red Balloon,
and today... they are making history! They are "twittering" from the operating room of a kidney transplant, and what makes it more touching... it's a father giving up his kidney for his young 3 year old son.
Even if you don't have a twitter account, you can follow the "tweets" from this page. I've checked it out this morning and it's more than just the updates on the transplant... lots of fun facts too!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Man Has Wheels...
Parks... and more parks... the child is obsessed.
Hovander Park, which is about 5 minutes from the house has some farm animals for the enjoyment of the kiddos... it worked on my little guy. I wasn't personally crazy about the roosters and chickens that were just roaming free... but I tried to play it cool. This is one of the turkeys... have you ever observed turkeys? They aren't that friendly, they huff and puff and stomp about just angry all the time.
Playground at Hovander Park
The Fragrance Garden... and see the lighthouse in the background. My son got scared about 1/2 way up... my pregnant self carried him up the rest of the way up (I managed to convince him it was ok by the time we were on the way down). As you can see, Braden was more interested pretending to breakdance that stand up for the picture.
Pioneer Park... a cute assortment of original log cabins. Next door is the best playground we've found for Braden yet.
Friday, May 8, 2009
A Trip to Seattle
Big B also loved the aquarium, he got to touch starfish, and stare at all the fish, otters and a huge octopus. Now, in my rankings of aquariums... Seattle's wasn't my favorite since it didn't have whales or dolphins. However, Braden didn't mind and had a blast. We'll be heading to Seattle again to visit the Seattle Center and the Zoo.