A look at downtown Vancouver from the Marina... an overcast day, but you can see that the city skyline is nice.
A look at downtown Vancouver from the Marina... an overcast day, but you can see that the city skyline is nice.
A picture from the Suspension Bridge down below
Staci (wearing black), Me, and Lisa at our going away party!
Katie (left) - Matron of Honor, Me, Ali - Maid of Honor, on our wedding day!
All done... how do you like my new "do"? (Sorry about the drool, I'm getting my last few molars)
I think the lighting isn't that good, but hopefully you can kind of see how it looks together.
Braden's masterpiece (Mom helped me out by coloring the car)
I really dig my new Lego blocks. Mom or Dad help me out by building a base and then I just go to town!
Peek-a-boo through my Lego skyscraper!
Braden made friends with a young lady two months his junior. They talked Roosters and Ducks.
Oh... the Thomas the Train Set - everytime he has seen one he's been endlessly entertained. One day we may have to get him one. In the meantime he'll do with just playing when we come across one.
Trying to play with the big kids on the boat, they didn't let him drive.
When Braden gets this close to ducks and geese - it's serious business. I got some more pictures but eventually had to put the camera away when I had to keep my little guy from crawling over the ledge and chasing the birds into the water.
Woke up on Wednesday morning with Braden around 6:30am and this is what was outside our door. Sure I've seen a rainbow before, but always in a distance and high in the sky... this one was right in front of me and was HUGE.
It was about 6:30 in the evening, and the sun was still high - way over the mountains. It doesn't get completely dark here until after 10pm.