Don't Miss A Thing!

**** I have a tendency to write several blog posts in one sitting. I like to think of it as time management when I have a big block of time to sit down and get caught up. If you check in on the blog from time to time... be sure to scroll down, and you may have to even click onto the next page to be sure you've gotten all the latest Ramsey news. (Blogger has restricted the number of posts I can have on the first page, so I never know what exactly is coming up). Thanks for checking in with us, and following along on Our Great Life Adventure! ****

Sunday, August 2, 2009

We're a mess over here...

Warning: I just might sound a bit (lot) whiny in this post...
I was hoping by this Sunday I'd be wrapping up all the updates from our big trip to the Midwest. Instead I haven't started... it's because we've been a mess over here since we got back. First... Braden was sick, not that it really slowed him down or anything, but something I had my eye on. We got back 4am Sunday night and Chad was on a plane again Tuesday afternoon traveling for work... and sleeping in an air conditioned hotel while Braden and the 8 1/2 month prego saw record temps here over 100... and with no AC... the house got up to 95!!! We took cold baths and cold showers a few times each day to cool down. By Thursday I was feeling really sore and achy, and my uterus tender to the touch (including all of baby girl's super strong body rolls and punches). I had a doctor's appt - but had it moved up a few hours because I was in a lot of pain. Turns out I was having some mild contractions, but nothing to worry about, and Baby Girl was happy as ever, so I came home and anxiously awaited Chad to come home. By that evening I had a fever and every move I made had me wincing in pain. (And making me rethink this whole VBAC thing... I mean this wasn't even labor and I was having a really hard time handling this). By Friday I thought I was feeling better.... but not so much. By mid-day I was having chest pains and shortness of breath, on top of all the soreness. Chad worked from home and we took turns caring for Braden so I had a bit of a break. By Saturday morning I wasn't feeling 100%... but I felt LOADS better than the previous two days so I was very happy and took advantage by cleaning the house that had been neglected for 3 days, went grocery shopping and when I got home....
Chad was super sore, achy and had a fever with chest pains and shortness of breath... hmm. It takes a lot for this guy to admit he's not feeling well and this had him down and out! (I felt horrible for him knowing what I had just gotten through the past two days, but now he also knew I wasn't just being a whiny prego!) His fever broke in the middle of the night, he's feeling much better (not quite to 100%, but better like I did yesterday). BUT now...
I pulled something in my upper back under my right shoulder blade... OWWWW! Been trying to rest that all morning and almost brought to tears (that part of your back feels like it's connected to every single part of your body!). After some rest and a heating pad it's a bit better and I'm about to push my luck as I get in the shower and begin to get ready for our family maternity professional photo shoot this afternoon! Hope I can keep it together (long enough to do my hair and make-up!).
Are you annoyed? I try not to whine too much here, but this is one of those weeks/weekends that we've just been a total mess over here and lucky for us we haven't both been out of commission at the same time! More good news... Monday is a Canadian holiday so Chad has the day off (well really, does he take a whole day off... no... but he doesn't have to go to the office tomorrow). Hopefully another day of rest for us all and we'll be in better shape... and I can post about all the fun we had in St. Louis/Bloomington/Chicago!

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