Don't Miss A Thing!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sister gets married!

Friday, August 28, 2009
Two Special Little Men...

Born Tuesday, August 18th is my friend Amy's new son, Chase Ryan Korsos, coming in at 7 lbs, 7 oz. Chase joins big brother Jackson (Jackson who is 5 weeks younger than Braden and now Chase is just weeks older than Baby Girl!). Look how peaceful and beautiful this babe is... sigh. I know it's early, but in this picture I see a lot of his brother... lucky kid, Jackson's a looker! Welcome Baby Chase!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Dunbars!

To Andy and Amy - another congratulations and best wishes for many fun years ahead!!!
Chad served as co-best man (along with Jeremy Miller) and Braden was a ring bearer! Braden did such a great job down the aisle, holding the hand of one of the flower girls, as soon as he saw me at the end he dived into my arms and was really emotional. I'm sure all the people starting and ooh/ahh made him a little nervous, but he held it together until the end! We had a great time, it was nice to visit with friends we haven't seen in a long time... but the time is always too short! And a special thank you to Grandma Ramsey, she was also a guest at the wedding, but generously took Braden back when it was time for bed so both Chad and I could visit longer!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Belly update and August Days
HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE NAPPING... but when I went in to check on him I found him on the toilet reading a magazine, just like his daddy! In related news... I think we can consider this kiddo potty trained!
Just playing in the dirt, or should I say hard at work, singing himself a little ditty and enjoying a beautiful afternoon outside.
And this picture... just because I like it! He was giving me a sarcastic cheesy smile because I had asked him several time to look at the camera, this is what I ended up with. A little pots and pans dance party in the kitchen today while I was cooking dinner. Yeah... I know he's just hanging out in his underwear, but it was warm outside=warm in the house.
Place your bets...
If you want my due date just as a point to start from... it's September 14th.
To be fair in case you think I'll be really late. Since Chad's mom is coming to town to help us take care of Braden while we're in the hospital. We have scheduled a surgery time for a c-section just to be safe so we can be sure to have care for Braden. I'm still committed to a VBAC, but being far away from family we also had to consider a c-section as a last resort/back up plan. Paula is leaving 9/22... so if Baby Girl has not arrived by Saturday 9/19 (5 days past due) we'll have a c-section on 9/19/09 at 9am. (Also my sister's 30th birthday). Hopefully she'll come before 9/19, but realistically we needed to have something scheduled in the books in case she doesn't.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Quotes of the Week
"I don't like it" (applying to nearly everything... for no reason)
"I need ____ (insert nearly everything... for no reason)
" Snuggles Mommy, I need it" - (my favorite!)
"Big Boys go to the potty ALL the time" (hmm... I think he's heard us say that a lot!)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009
The "Pop" and I've been full of excuses
Monday, August 10, 2009
Grin and "Bare" It...
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Some of our time in the "Lou"
Grandma Carole's Pool
Picture proof that I was there... but this is the only publishable picture of me and my prego body in a bathing suit I'm willing to share!
My super cute niece Raina, strutting her stuff in a little bikini!
Grandma Carole (my mom) with her two grandbabies... it's near impossible to get them to both look at the camera when occupied in a pool!
Katie and her beautiful son, Jack Henry Hager, I typed out his whole name because I like it!(doesn't he look so much like her?)
Fellow prego (due in 2 weeks on 8/22) Staci entertaining Big B... he was having so much fun!
And then... Chad joined us, bringing things to a new level
First he has Braden jumping off the sides... let me tell you Braden can leap far! So funny he kept counting, ONE... TWO... TTTTHHHHHHRRRREEEEEEEEEE (forever dragging out the three before he jumped!)
Then Chad is tossing him to dangerous heights! But of course, Braden loved it. I have to admit, Chad had a lot of power!
Then he decides he wants to take Big B on the slide. I'm sure you're wondering, "Mon, what's the big deal, you took him to a water park a few weeks ago"? Well this was a faster, narrower slide going into 8 ft of water where Chad couldn't touch standing, not into 3 or 4 ft like the slides made for the kiddos at the water park. Needless to say, I didn't want to be a total bummer and ruin the fun, but I wasn't really comfortable either. So... my friend Staci took the pictures, while Katie was in the water at the bottom of the slide for extra catching/support, while I hid under a towel, closed my eyes and hoped for the best!
Almost... does look like he's having fun, huh?
This picture... well it makes me a little nervous, you can't even see Chad. But I'm told this is as far under as Braden and since I was hiding I'll never know.