Don't Miss A Thing!

**** I have a tendency to write several blog posts in one sitting. I like to think of it as time management when I have a big block of time to sit down and get caught up. If you check in on the blog from time to time... be sure to scroll down, and you may have to even click onto the next page to be sure you've gotten all the latest Ramsey news. (Blogger has restricted the number of posts I can have on the first page, so I never know what exactly is coming up). Thanks for checking in with us, and following along on Our Great Life Adventure! ****

Thursday, March 26, 2009

37 hours...

We're picking up the moving truck bright and early Saturday morning. I'm taking a few moments from packing and cleaning to relax on the couch with a prime seat to the gorgeous views of the Coastal Mountains. It's just 7pm and Braden has already been asleep for 30 minutes. This morning I got a call from one of the other mothers in Furry Creek, she offered to take Braden to the park with her kids for a few hours so I could get things done... and I'm so grateful, I accomplished a lot. Big B had such a great time (he talked about it throughout the afternoon) and was completely tuckered out. But for some reason a super tired kid doesn't always nap, which is why he completely passed out on his own early tonight. Chad has been traveling this week for work (and again next week). Poor guy is coming back to chaos and won't have a chance to rest before he's on the road again. He's done a great job over the past three weekends putting things into order for this move. Especially considering I'm pregnant and really trying to take it easy and not move or lift anything heavy.
I can finally say that while there are still some odds and ends to pack, beds to take down, linens to wash and cleaning to do... I can see the finish line, we're almost there. I should be a pro at moving by now. I've moved AT LEAST once a year since I was 18 (and through college I moved three times a year!). The only time I was anywhere since I started college for two years in a row was our condo in Chicago. I moved around a lot as a kid (my dad was in the Navy) until we settled in Homewood when I was 10 and stayed for the next 8 years. I am very anxious when I finally make a move somewhere and think, I won't have to pack a box for years! Wow... am I getting sidetracked or what?
I just am taking a bit of time to think about the last year, where we've been and where we're going. We're about to end our official "Canadian" adventure, and it's been nice. We've met some really nice people in the area, and it is really a beautiful place in the world, we've been lucky to have this front row seat. With that said... we'll still get to enjoy what Vancouver has to offer, as well as exploring Washington.
We won't have Internet hooked up until Tuesday morning (unless a neighbor has an open wireless connection), so I think this will be the last blog until then, not to mention... I think we'll be a little busy :)
So long Canada, don't take it personally, it's been a good year... it's just time to move on.


Christine said...

I can't believe you all are moving. Great job getting everything organized. You are a pro!

Layne Court said...

Mitzi and I will be thinking about you. Take it easy. You will get there. I wish we could be there to help you guys.

Trina said...

Good luck with the move and remember to take it easy with the unpacking....but if you are like me you will want to do it in all one day!!!!! Keep in touch and I'll have to take a day trip out there one's been almost 4 years since I crossed the border by car!!!! Take care, from your Furry Creek, Canadian friend.
