Don't Miss A Thing!

**** I have a tendency to write several blog posts in one sitting. I like to think of it as time management when I have a big block of time to sit down and get caught up. If you check in on the blog from time to time... be sure to scroll down, and you may have to even click onto the next page to be sure you've gotten all the latest Ramsey news. (Blogger has restricted the number of posts I can have on the first page, so I never know what exactly is coming up). Thanks for checking in with us, and following along on Our Great Life Adventure! ****

Monday, February 2, 2009

Ringing in...

We were so lucky this year to have 7 people come and visit us for the New Years Eve holiday! Paul and Steph (from Chicago and St. Louis - now live in Seattle), Chris and Pam (from Peoria and Chicago) and Nick, Lindsay and Graham Underwood (did live in Chicago, now in St. Louis - Graham "Gray" is their adorable son who is now 8 months old).
Everyone arrived on New Years Eve we had appetizers, a 30th birthday (ice cream) cake for Pam, and adult cocktails. The night was spent with games, Wii, and good conversations.

New Years Day, Olson (Chris) whipped up a fancy breakfast and we spent a lazy day recovering. That night the Underwoods made a fabulous meal for dinner and we finished off by playing games (but don't mess with Olson and his rules of consistency for Scattegories).

The next day the group (minus me, Braden, Lindsay and Graham) were off to Whistler for a day of skiing and snowboarding. I hear the weather was perfect, the snow was great - but most of the group realized just how much older we are getting and weren't that sad when the slopes closed at 4pm. They spent the night and gave a good effort at the bars that night (good for as tired as they were). Lindsay and I bundled up the kids and went to Whistler too so they could see the village and grab some lunch. Things ALMOST went smoothly - but not so much. First of all - SO much snow on the ground - we couldn't really stroll around the village - and just before we were getting ready to park the car for lunch - my little guy completely tossed his cookies (actually grapes if you really want to know) all over him, the car seat and his jacket. He was find afterwards, so I think it's because I had him bundled with the heat on and the sun was blaring in the backseat. Lesson learned, I felt terrible. We went in for lunch and between the kids probably just 2 minutes here and there of conversation. Oh well - it was nice to get out of the house for the day. That night after the kids went to bed we curled up to Sex and the City: The Movie with some (too many) beers.

The next day everyone came back - and a snowstorm moved in and made for unsafe roads for awhile, we were lucky no accidents! We relaxed, grilled steaks for dinner and broke out the Wii again before everyone turned in and prepared for the travel day back home.

It was so wonderful for us to have friends with us to ring in the new year. Thanks to all our visitors for taking the time, money and effort to come and stay with us! (Note to other readers - you are also welcome to come - anytime - cheap flights on Southwest to Seattle!)

Our "Pink" champagne toast for midnight. Despite the unintentional sippy cup in the background - the kids were in fact asleep. Sippy cups and champagne... a sign of the times!
We decided that NYE in the house was best spent in our PJs. Above - the four guys (from L to R) - Chad, Chris (Olson), Paul (Fox), Nick (Underwood). Below are the four ladies - Steph, Pam, Lindsay and me (wearing one piece PJs). The hats the gents are wearing have continued to provide Braden with hours of endless joy and entertainment.

How do you keep beers cold when the fridge is full of food and other beverages? Stick it on the patio in a foot of snow!

Just one look at the Wii adventures. Here I'm not sure if they are playing tennis, bowling? The boxing was a big hit too.... but more on that in another post.

Pam and Nick - ready to snowboard at Whistler. It was Nick's first time, by the afternoon he made the switch to skis and managed to stay all in one piece! :)

Steph and Paul on their way up the mountain at Whistler!

Out after a long day on the slopes!
Thankfully I had put Chad's coat in the car before we left for Whistler, after Braden emptied his tummy his jacket was non-wearable, so I did what I could and put Chad's on his to get to the restaurant.
And... last but NOT least! Adorable Baby Gray!

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