I'm a sucker... what can I say? Today at Walmart as I was cruising to the check out lane
something caught my eye, it says 2 for $4... Little Debbie Treats. I don't think I've actually purchased anything like this since high school... seriously. So what made me stop... and fall for the 2 for $4 ploy (I mean... is that even a good deal? For all I know they are $2.50 a box not on sale). So now I have these TWO (it's even worse I was "tricked into getting two instead of just one) boxes at the house. I don't need them... I don't need to give them to Braden
(the kid needs NO sugar). This is not one of my finest moments. Oh well... I guess the best thing I can do now is AVOID looking at the nutritional (or non-nutritional) information on the box to pretend it's not as bad. Oh... and when did Oatmeal Cream Pies get to be two-bite sized? When I was a kid I thought they were much bigger!!!

DAM YOU!!! Now you have me craving these Little Debbie snacks. On my way to Walmart.......... :)
You know my love of the Little Debbie treats.
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