Ok... proof that they will give anyone a book deal. Seriously... it's disturbing. I thought Paris "I'm a heiress, princess and only pretend to be a ditz" book was enough. Clearly, I'm dead wrong. And worse - this book wasn't in the "bargain" section. It was on the "Buzz Books" area. Maybe it doesn't bother anyone else... but it bothers me.
We live 45 minutes from the largest ski resort in all of North America - home to the Olympics next winter - Chad skis, he enjoys it and is good at it. So, while I L-O-V-E the time he's home on the weekend (he 100% is such a great help when he's here), I also encouraged him to take advantage of how close we are to Whistler - so this past Sunday he went. I told him he had to take the camera and here's what I got! :)
We hit up "Kids Zone" this week as out last big adventure out before potty training lock down. It was a good hour away, there are tons of these kind of places that direction, but that's not where we live so it makes for a whole day adventure. Above: Braden jumped onto the arcade car and thought he was pretty cool. Below: One of those jumping rooms - this one was a castle. I thought Braden would love it - he liked it alright, but he wasn't begging for more. In fact he was a bit more timid on a lot of things there. I know he's old enough, the place was full of kids his age. So either he's just not ready or I am not good and convincing him - maybe Chad would have better luck. Actually - I'm pretty sure it's me... when he was jumping around in here all I could think about was "how long until him and another kid collide heads at full speed in this jumping contraption?". It's just the way my mind works. I genuinely try to not let my silly fears rub off (do you remember how jumpy I am at the petting zoos?).
The picture below is a teaser... I'm waiting until we're at least to day 3 or 4 of potty training before I really comment. I'll just say this... I've been impressed with Braden... so far. But I'm realistic and realize I could feel different a few days out which is why I'm waiting to give a report. But I couldn't wait to show off Braden in his Big Boy Underpants... little boys in their little briefs is just so so cute!!!
1 comment:
Braden looks so cute in his big boy underpants!! Good luck with the whole process...I can not wait to hear more things about it.
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