This will be a long post. It's a total recap of our trip back to Illinois, and a trip to New Orleans. We'll see how this goes...
Monday, January 5th, 2009
I wake up in the morning and I can't get up. My head is pounding, my nose is beyond stuffed up, my eyes are watering, I'm coughing and my body just will. not. move. It's official, I'm sick and it couldn't have come at a worse time. Our New Years Eve visitors left the day before and the house is a semi-disaster, I'm on a deadline for my work project, I have to pack and do laundry because on Wednesday we're leaving for Illinois and all I can think about is that I hope to get better quick because I'm supposed to meet Baby Jack Hager on Thursday and cannot be sick. Feeling this bad also makes me really, really sad that stay-at-home moms don't get sick days, I really needed one. Chad did what he could and was home an hour early, which was nice - but it really just gave me an extra hour to finish that work project. (It's possible that my body being so UNBELIEVABLY sore was also because I had played Wii boxing against Chad and I took it far too seriously... how sad an interactive video game could do that to me - note to self - I really need to working out).
Tuesday, January 6th
Wow... I can't believe I felt so bad yesterday. Now, I'm not feeling tip top - but a major improvement. I'm optimistic that I'll be ok to see Baby Jack and finish up all the laundry and pack everything Braden and I need for two weeks... in ONE suitcase, I'm impressed. (Turns out this wasn't such a great idea... but I'll elaborate on a later post).
Wednesday, January 7th
Time to go... still feeling just "so-so". It looks like I won't be visiting Katie and Baby Jack on Thursday, but I tell myself that maybe by Friday it will be ok. (Fast-forward - it won't). We have a layover in Seattle, it's a long day of travel - but Braden is a rock star. I wish I could say the same for myself. In the middle of the second flight I feel the pressure building again, hit with a pounding headache and stuffed up nose - uh oh - SINUS INFECTION. By the end of the flight I can't even move my head without tears coming to my eyes. To pick up things on the floor of the airplane I have to sit in the aisle and lean in - turning my head upside down is NOT an option. Thankfully we were the last row so we didn't hold anyone up. Staci and Jason greet us at the airport and bring us back to their house (aka - our "home base" for the duration of our trip). Eventually we go to bed.
Thursday, January 8th
This day was supposed to be spent at Katie's, but with my sickness it's clear that isn't happening, so we hang out at Staci's and try to rest and relax.
Friday, January 9th
Take Braden to Homewood, he's going to stay with my mom and my uncle while I am off to New Orleans for Layne and Mitzi's wedding. I wake up sicker than the day before, I'm hanging by a thread! Another afternoon I could have seen Baby Hager... but can't since this sinus infection is ruling my life. I have a late flight to New Orleans, supposed to land at 10:15, but due to some de-icing issues at O'Hare we take off late. I get to the Big Easy at nearly midnight. My hilarious husband that is meeting me there from Vancouver thinks I'm going out to mingle. But after another 2 hours in the air my sinus infection is at an entirely new level. I didn't think it was possible. I finally get to the hotel and to sleep around 1:30, wake up at 4:30 thinking I have pink eye... but no... it's just the sinus infection - coming out of my eyes!
Saturday, January 10th
The reason we're here for the big celebration!!! (I'm feeling a tad... just tiny bit better). The wedding is not until the evening so Chad, Keith (Chad's brother) and I take a nice walk over to the French Quarter where we get some lunch. While we're eating... down Bourbon St in the middle of Saturday afternoon is a marching band!

Keith, me and Chad enjoying the afternoon at Pat O'Brien's outdoor garden. It was 84 and sunny... why don't I live in the south? (yet).
Chad and Keith on a major road, lots of people were out. Warm weather has such power, people are out and about... and happy.
On to The Main Event... congratulations to Layne and Mitzi Court! You looked fabulous and could see how happy you both were. Thanks for inviting us to New Orleans, it was great to see some of this historic city (with lots of traditions and pride). Layne and Mitzi live in Dallas and recently moved into their new house, I know they will have lots of great memories from this weekend as well as creating many more! :)
Layne and his best man Ben. Ben and Chad went to high school together and when I moved to Dallas Chad introduced me to his cousin, Layne and friend, Ben (who had not met before). We had a great time together and now more than 6 years later look at them! :)

You may now kiss the bride!
The adorable flower girls, sisters Reece and Addison with their dad, Chad
The Ramsey Boys with their mom, Paula
Sunday, January 11th
Chad and I both have early, early flights back to Chicago and Vancouver. (So early that when we're leaving the hotel at 4:30 we are seeing friends from the wedding just ending their night). After a long plane ride, then a train to Homewood I'm finally back to my little guy and borrow my uncle's car for the rest of the week so we can continue our journey.
Monday, January 12th
We leave for Bloomington to visit Keith and the three kids! We have not since Kylie (2 1/2) and the twins, Logan and Jackson (11 months) since August. Braden had SO much fun playing with his cousins. It makes me sad that they don't get to spend more time together.
Keith with his boys laying on the couch!
After bath time, Kylie and Braden brush their teeth
Braden and Kylie share her Dora couch for some unwinding and video time
So many things about this picture... first of all, I just think it's so precious. Second - these two cousins could pass for siblings!
Tuesday, January 13th
Happy Birthday to Grandma Ramsey! We left Bloomington in the morning and got back to Chicago, where Braden successfully avoided taking his afternoon nap (Oh joy!). I'm still sick as a dog and it occurs to me that maybe my old doctor in Chicago would be willing to call in a prescription of antibiotics for me... score! That evening we went over to Lisa's place in the city so Braden and her could visit.
Wednesday, January 14th
Off to DeKalb to visit friends Jen and Kyle Guymon (and our wedding album is ready to be picked up.. fun!). Still sick, but hanging in there (and sad because I am supposed to see Baby Jack on Thursday - one week later than originally planned - and while on the road to recovery, not enough that I feel ok to be around a newborn... damn this sinus infection!) Jen made a fabulous Lasagna and The Faivre's came over with their daughter Ansley. Braden played around a bit, but got a bit fussy and was asleep before everyone left. The Guymons had just had their holiday party the week before and the tree was still up. Jen got some pics of Braden... man, I wish I was a photographer like she is. Also photos of Landon "horsing" around with the kids. To check these photos, click here,
Jen's Album.
Thursday, January 15th
Back to the city again, this time we arrive just in time to meet Staci and Jason as they finish their doctor's appointment (for Baby Butscher due in August)!!! We meet for lunch at one of my all time favorites, Chili's. After lunch, Staci, Braden and I head to Woodfield Mall... and guess who else is there? Katie... does that mean that FINALLY there may be a Baby Jack sighting??? YES! We arrange to meet at the mall, Katie and her mom are running errands and I tell them I'll just admire the baby from afar but would love, love to meet up! Just because I need to wear my scarf and keep a distance doesn't mean Braden will! :)

Aren't those just too cute!!!
Braden and his godmother Katie pounding on the "drums"
Friday, January 16th
Wake up and it's time to get back to Homewood! Braden will be staying with my family another night while I attend the annual PJ holiday party with my friends (who so very, very kindly held it later so I could be there!). My mom has plans, so Uncle Jim is flying solo with Big B for the night and he does an awesome job, Braden is a big fan of Uncle Jim. You know who else we got to see while we were there???

That's right, my beautiful niece Raina! Braden and and Raina ran around and had a lot of fun chasing each other all over the house.

After I leave I head to Katie, with the medical mask as my aide I am coming to spend the afternoon (
finally) with her and Jack. It's so precious to finally be holding this little man (and he really is little, he was still in the 5 lb range when I was there!). He's perfect and he must kind of like me too, we took a nap together on the couch while his mommy got showered... it was wonderful!

Medical mask down for a second to get a glance at my huge smile while holding the little bundle. (And yes - repeat on the one piece PJs, you buy those to wear to PJ parties, so out they came again!)
About 6:30 and guests start to arrive - everyone brings some food... and man is there a lot of food!!! We do a pretty good job of putting a lot of it away though, we don't mess around. We had so much fun catching up, playing games (left, right, center - I dominated, and took home $60 profit for my effort (which was really just luck). I miss these girls terribly... and writing about here won't even do it justice.

Saturday, January 17th
I wake up to get Braden from Homewood and we head back to Staci to try and catch that afternoon nap... which eludes us again. That is until it's time for us to head out. Sure enough at 4:30 when we're leaving to go to Amy and Andy's (Big B's godfather) Braden is fast asleep. He sleeps the whole way there, and the first 30 minutes we get there. Finally he wakes up to get his birthday and Xmas gifts which includes... 
Not just the Bear Helmet - a whole uniform... with shoulder pads! And Thomas the Train videos... you guys rock!
While we were there we were so lucky that 6 other friends made their way over to visit (although it was way too short)! Thanks to everyone for coming by... it was really good to see you! 
From L to R (well more like a circle going clockwise, starting with Jack on the left!) - Jack, Ami, Robyn, Joel, Amy, Jeremy, Becki, Braden and Andy
From there we left to meet Staci and Jason for a yummy Italian dinner near their house. Only sleepy "I don't need my afternoon nap" Braden fell asleep on me during dinner! I was able to eat and we enjoyed the meal. 
Sunday, January 18th
Hmmm... breakfast! We went out with our extremely kind, generous and patient host and hostess for a Sunday morning meal. Jason and Staci - Thank you both so much for being so wonderful during this trip... we borrowed your car, we took over the house for nearly two weeks and you were amazing! I am so so stoked for Baby Butscher!
That evening we made another visit to The Hagers. Braden was a bit jealous of my loving on Baby Jack! But all went well and after missing out on so much planned time since I was sick I was so glad to squeeze in another visit. Baby Jack and I had a good talk and even though he won't remember me yet... I let him know I think of him everyday!
Monday, January 19th
We are headed home. It's been a good trip (minus the sinus infection that plagued me the entire first week). I only wish we had more time since there were still so many people to see. Although it was nice to get home and rest in our own beds.
So... are you tired of reading? I'm pretty tired of typing and now that I'm done I'm pretty sure I would not take this approach to a vacation blog again, but live and learn.
I just read the entire post in one sitting. You are a champ. I didn't understand how sick you were at the wedding. Thank you so much for coming. It really means so much to me. I love the pic and quote of me and Ben. Those times in Dallas we ones I will never forget. So much fun, so little to worry about. We had a great laugh about you guys seeing everyone in the lobby. I wish you could have heard the hook up stories. There are 5 confirmed as of right now. Crazy fun. Mitzi and I are serious about coming to visit you in 2009. Speak to you soon.
Wow Monica,
excellent post
long trip and you did great flying solo
great to see you as always
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