This month she's discovered her hands... in her mouth, grabbing things, she wants to hold our hands every chance she gets.
It's really about time to get closer to being on a "schedule", but with the chaos of moving and staying somewhere different nearly every night for the next 2.5 weeks... I'm holding off until we get settled. Until then we'll just keep going with the flow as best we can.
Her hair changed a lot this month, "they" say by now a lot of this hair will have fallen out... nope, not hers. You can't see it well in these pictures, but it's gotten a lot longer... and a lot lighter. This girl will be dark blond all over within 6 months.
When she sees the camera she stares it down, and the flash makes her eyes open really wide... so a lot of the pictures look like she's a deer in headlights :)
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