This past weekend Big B turned three! I can't believe another year has passed us by! We did things really low key... but I think Braden had a great day! We started the morning by opening presents as soon as he woke up. 
He was so excited when he walked into his playroom and saw the presents
Gift from his godfather, Uncle Andy
I got him a harmonica... it's not that loud
All the animals in the new barn, new corral, and a house made of Lincoln Logs!
After he spent a few hours playing with all his cool new things we ate lunch and had birthday cake. But not just your typical birthday cake. A few weeks ago I asked Braden what he wanted for his birthday. Our exchange went a little something like this...
Me: What do you want for your birthday?
B: Cake and Presents
Me: What kind of cake?
B: A red cake.
Me: Do you want it to say anything on it?
B: Trick or Treat... purple Trick or Treat
Me: Ok, anything else?
B: A dinosaur.
Ask my dear son and you shall receive...
I LOVE that cake. You are a good mom Mon!
So cute. I love the "halloween" cake and the Christmas tree in the background....all for a birthday celebration. That will make for great stories when he is older. :)
I hate that all of us have to miss out on his birthday but love the stories and pics...thanks for sharing with us:) You are such a great mom!!!
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