Her name is Vivian... and she's getting cuter by the day (yes... biased mom here) and she's smiling a lot more, each morning when I get her... big smiles and I melt. Last week Vivian had a doctor's appointment (2 month well-baby check). She checked out well! :) Here are our girl's stats.
12 lbs, 4.5 oz (50th percentile)
24 inches long (75th percentile)
39 cm head (35th percentile)
Side note... I still don't know what to do with her crazy hair, it has a mind of it's own!

soooo cute!!! She is so strong...holding her head up on her tummy:)
I just left that message above.
Mon. She looks just like you!! I love the pics-they are great. What a good mom you are!
She is just tooooo precious!!
I can't wait for you guys to get down to Texas so we can have some quality time with you, Chad, and the kiddos. Have you set a date for the move yet?
Monica, she's seriously beautiful!!! What a little doll face. I can't wait to see her in person at the end of month.
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