We're doing good here in Washington... but something has been missing since we left Chicago. Our friends.
Chad and I have always been really social people, and next to family and friends not being close to see the kids more often, the next hardest thing is missing our friendships. We're so lucky that cell phones and emails makes keeping in touch much easier... but nothing is quite as good as the real thing. And after having Vivian, not having my friends around was that much harder... we didn't have people around the clock trying to schedule a time to see our new addition... and I have been missing my friends that much more.
This weekend... I got some of "The Real Thing", and my heart was so happy.
Katie and her 9 month old son, Jack, made the trip out to see us last week from Thursday to Monday. It was a different kind of trip... our old parent selves were in bed by 10pm one night... and we really spent most of the time around the house, with child play and girl talk. Chad was kind (and brave) enough to tackle all three kids one morning so Katie and I could enjoy some time at the spa (facial and massage, yea!). We went to the mall, out to lunches and hit up a pumpkin patch and apple farm.
Thank you Katie (and Baby Jack too... who by the way is so handsome, sweet, good tempered and smiley) for taking the time to come see us. I loved introducing you to our Vivian and your godson, Braden, is completely taken with you. Thank you for giving me "The Real Thing". 

The feeling is mutual for my dear little Braden! Give him some more kisses and hugs from me, as well as that swwet baby Viv! We were so glad to spend some quality time with the Ramsey fam! I hope that we can come out and see you again soon (and get Scott to come along this time)! Seriously, I have missed my Monica time, and am so happy I got you (and your sweet kiddos) all to myself! =)
Great pictures!!! I can't wait to see the kiddies myself.
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