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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It can make you sick...

So... yesterday evening Braden had a talking to (and time out) about playing with the toilet water (judgers not welcome, I got to him right away, with a newborn literally attached to me, and the toilet had just been flushed. He's discovered that when Viv is "drinking her milk" that it's a convenient time (for him, not me) to be a bit mischievous). On with the story...
I explained to him that "It can make you sick to play in the dirty water and we just use the toilet to go potty".
Well today on several occasions Braden has answered me with "It can make me sick". For instance...

Me: Braden, you have to leave your shoulder belt on (in his car seat).
Braden: It can make me sick
Me: No, it's so you can be safe.

Me: You cannot jump on the couch
Braden: It can make me sick
Me: No, you could get hurt and that's just mommy's rule.

But just a few moments ago as we were cleaning up all the paper he tore off his crayons, and he found one on the floor, just as he was about to test the color on the hardwood floors...
Me: Do NOT use your crayons on the floor, on paper only.
Braden: It can make me sick.
Me: No... but it will make mommy mad.
Braden immediately turned over the crayon to me without further prompting!

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