Well, well, well. Interesting morning. It started out rough, I got sick... and emptied my entire stomach by 9am. I didn't want to be dehydrated (and not pass my pee tests at the doc today!) so I tried to chug some water.
Walking into the doctor this morning was pretty anti-climatic. Let me explain...
I must confess. 3 1/2 weeks ago I had a quick ultrasound and the doctor and I saw some... "boy parts". I was easily convinced since my "mommy's intuition" told me I was having another boy. Of course would have been happy to have a girl, but loved the idea of my two boys rough housin' as they grew up. So this picture was easy for us to buy into. But still... we decided to wait until the big ultrasound today just to be sure and let a professional confirm that we were indeed offspringing (I don't think it's a word, but I like it anyway) another Ramsey male.
My ultrasound this morning wasn't smooth because I was in fact still dehydrated and my uterus was cramping (you know you don't drink enough liquids, have a big work out and your muscles cramp... the uterus is a muscle too). So things were taking a really long time to get the right views and measurements since the baby was kind of stuck in one place and couldn't really move around). It was over an hour... we finally got everything they needed. I'm happy to report that all looks normal and well with Baby Ramsey. At the very end, the very nice ultrasound tech wanted to give us the "money shot" so we could confirm the gender (did anyone catch on these last few weeks when I used words like gender revelation or gender confirmation instead of gender discovery? Well that's because we "knew" and I didn't want to completely lie about it!) After three trips to the bathroom, moving around, stretching, chugging more water we finally got a look between those legs that had been crossed tight the whole time... and we discovered ...
We were SHOCKED! It's just kind of starting to sink in. We know we're lucky to experience the chance to have one of each and there is a lot to look forward to (have you seen how cute baby girl clothes are???). Braden is going to be such a great protective older brother! And I know there are a lot of you out there hoping Chad would someday have a daughter that would just wrap him a million times around her tiny little finger.
So now we go back to the drawing board and start to narrow down names for a girl. We likely will keep that to ourselves and share with you all when she makes her grand entrance in September. I did ask Braden what he wants to call his little sister and he told me "Dinosaur".
Here are some pictures of our dear daughter... wow.

It's a foot! :) So cute!
I am in tears I am sooo happy for you guys!! You will love a baby girl. OMG-I am so happy for you! We must talk soon!!! Congratulations! And a fantastic way to tell everyone!
Lainie is an often ignored but incredibly fabulous name for a girl....congrats Ramseys!
I was certain it was going to be a boy! Congrats. It is a ton of fun being an older brother, Braden is going to enjoy it. He'll get to take her to raves when she turns 30...
I am so happy for you guys! Welcome to the world of little girls. It's great!
ok, so I am good friends with Christine and I must admit I "stalk" your blog on a regular basis. Anyway, I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS!! I know you would have been happy either way but the world of baby girls is such a sweet precious thing!!
YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!! Congratulations!!!
I think I'm still in shock from your phone call this afternoon. I'm so excited for Baby Girl Ramsey!
Congrats! Maybe there will be many more girls to come!
Monica - so exciting, congrats on a baby girl!! Having one of each is such a blessing and you are right Girls clothes are so cute (just hide the credit cards they are hard to resist!!). All the best,
Carrie, Pete, Emma, and Jack Ladowicz
Congratulations on adding a baby GIRL to your home! That is so exciting that you get to experience the joys of both boy & girl!
- Jen
Oh my god Monica!!! Congratulations. Boys rock and girls Super rock!!! There is nothing better then a little princess with a big brother as sweet as Brayden. I voted boy...shows you how much I know.
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