Don't Miss A Thing!

**** I have a tendency to write several blog posts in one sitting. I like to think of it as time management when I have a big block of time to sit down and get caught up. If you check in on the blog from time to time... be sure to scroll down, and you may have to even click onto the next page to be sure you've gotten all the latest Ramsey news. (Blogger has restricted the number of posts I can have on the first page, so I never know what exactly is coming up). Thanks for checking in with us, and following along on Our Great Life Adventure! ****

Monday, September 21, 2009

Our family of Four

Sunday we were in the hospital with our new baby girl, Vivian. We were sure to keep with some of our fall Sunday traditions and got in Bears gear and watched the game. At that time we took our very first "Family" photos as a family of four.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy Birth Day

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for."
Author Unknown

We've spent all of 2009 waiting for this day, your special day Baby Girl, your Birth Day.
I have enjoyed feeling you move, squirm and kick... but I am more excited to see you, hold you and share you with the world. I'll admit, I was nervous to have a daughter, it's such a big and awesome responsibility, and I doubted myself. However, after we found out... I've found peace and hope.
Our private moments of movements have come to an end, but I hope with all my might we can give you all the love and guidance to be a strong, brave, kind and happy person.

And while I was overwhelmed with all the clothes and accessories for baby girls... I think I'm starting to enjoy it!
You should know I'm not a super fashionable momma... but you will have lots of "aunts" that will help us along the way.
And with all of mommy and daddy's friends (many aunts and uncles) is even more family that you're already connected to.

Both of your grandfathers are no longer with us, but both of their mothers are. They share the same middle name... as you now share with them.
And you also share a birthday with my sister, your Auntie Lou...
I've come to terms that your daddy is going to love you more than any other woman in the world. And it actually makes me happy. Remember the first man a little girl falls in love with is her father. Your big brother Braden will watch over you.
And so now it is time for us to start this journey.
Your room is ready... I've spent the last few weeks over-preparing and over-planning. This is just part of who I am, you'll get to know that. But at some point... you can't plan for one of the most memorable and special days... you just have to enjoy it.
We welcome you Baby Girl... and now introduce you to our wonderful friends and family.

Vivian Irene Ramsey
Born: 09/19/09
Time: 9:31 am
Weight: 8lb, 9 oz
Length: 21 1/2 in

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Keeping Busy...

What better way to occupy your mind off being overdue and waiting on Baby Girl? Keep busy! This morning Grandma Ramsey and I took Braden to Bellewood Apple Farm just 10 minutes from the house. We got to ride for free on a golf cart, wander through the fields with more than 24,000 apple trees... we were also surprised to come up on pumpkins, cows and horses. Big B really enjoyed our morning outing! Oops... we weren't supposed to pick any apples. Braden wasn't out of the golf cart for 10 seconds before he picked this apple (a Honey Crisp... good choice). They were kind enough to let him take it home, I'm guessing most kids try to pick one or two!
Watch out... wild man behind the wheel!
Ooooohhh... cows.

And horses too!!!

Look at all the pumpkins! We'll be bringing Braden and Baby Girl here for fall pictures next month!

Riding on the super huge pumpkins was a lot of fun.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The "Eve" and some Football!

We ate our chili... we put on some Bears gear... and tossed around the football. And now we're enjoying the Bears game. Here is our little man, totally loving playing football and wearing his helmet.
Yay for football season!

And now... on the "Eve" of our official due, one day shy of the "40 weeks" is my final belly shot until we're on our way to the hospital.

What happens...

What happens when your toddler doesn't take a nap?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

For those wondering...

No... no baby yet. No labor yet. Just waiting. The official due date is the day after tomorrow. I'm not too uncomfortable, just getting really anxious to meet our daughter.
After a horrible fog situation in Chicago this morning, Grandma Ramsey will here in about 3 hours, after that I'm ready for "go time", but can physically hold out and hopefully she'll make her appearance before the "crunch time, had to schedule just in case" repeat c-section for next Saturday. Crossing fingers she'll come on her own... soon :)
In the meantime... we've kept busy with Big B. He LOVES school. I know most kids love preschool, he's one of them. In fact... when I pick him up and he sees me he starts to whimper because he doesn't want to leave. Hurts my feelings a bit, but I'm glad he's enjoying it so much!
We've been working on songs to sing to his little sister and learning about all the other things that Big Brother's do! I've also made a point to throw in some extra one on one snuggle time with him. He's really such a sweet little boy, we're very lucky.
Once Baby Girl arrives we'll email people as well as post on the blog (of course I already have it planned out and partially written)!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Prediction: No Labor on this Labor Day

We've had a nice little weekend. A lot of work around the house, a lot of relaxing too. It would have been nice to have some BBQs and socialization to look forward to on a holiday weekend, but we'll get there. I recently joined the MOMs Club of Ferndale and everyone has been really nice so far. I look forward to doing more of the playdates, activities (and Mom's Night Out) once things with the new baby settle down.
So... Baby Girl's due date is in one week! I started labor on my due date with Braden, so I'm hoping for more of the same this time around. Grandma Ramsey arrives on Saturday. I'm feeling pretty good. The past few days a few more aches and pains, but overall I feel really well. I'm getting anxious (an excited anxious) to meet our daughter, but since I'm not really uncomfortable I'm also ok with waiting and getting to spend a little more one and one time with Big B while he's still the only child! :) She'll get here when she gets here!
We've finished Baby Girl's room... and I'm very proud to report that Chad took on a special project! He found an old dresser on Craig's List. It was solid wood and got a good price. He refinished it and made some repairs! He's done two other similar projects, I'm waiting until we pick the hardware for the latest one before I share that. For Baby's room...


This week Braden and I made Gingerbread Cookies (3 batches) to store in the freezer. With fall around the corner I had to have these on hand... let's just hope they make it longer than 3 weeks. Outlook... not good!

And cooking with a toddler is practice with patience for an adult. It took a lot longer... but he enjoyed it so much sometimes it's just better to take a deep breath and go with the flow.

Last weekend I made loads and loads of homemade chili to freeze. If you recall, we have a tradition here on football Sundays. We wake up, get in Bears gear and eat chili. I made 7-8 weeks worth of chili here. Hey... maybe Baby Girl will join us next Sunday on Kickoff Sunday??? The Bears have the night game. Just in case I've packed her some Bears wear in the bag for the hospital! :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Big B's Big First Day!

Today was a big day for Braden... he got to start preschool! Originally we had him signed up for a class designed for 2 1/2 year olds, but the class didn't get enough kids to sign up... so we were disappointed it was cancelled. Going to school was the motivation that pushed Braden into officially being potty trained a few weeks ago. So I was on a mission... most preschools only take kids at 3 years old, but I found a place (2 minutes from our house!) that with a potty training and an assessment meeting he could be approved to start early (he's 3 in December). He was approved! Chad and I are both so happy for him, he loves the social interaction with other kids and really feel like he's ready for this next step!
We've been talking about school all week and this morning I said, "Braden, where are you going today". He said quite happily... "I'm going to school". As the morning progressed he got more and more excited. So much so that when I dropped him off he went into the classroom and never looked back. I had a parent meeting and peeked in on him after the first hour and looks like he was doing great!
Here are a few pictures to record his big day!

What was Braden saying "I going to school to play with the Big Kids"

Oooohhhh... so much to play with!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Visit Dad at Work!

Yesterday Braden and I took a day trip into Vancouver to finally visit Chad's office. In the 18 months we've been here we never made it inside the building. It was nice to meet some of the people Chad works with, as well as see where he spends a lot of his time (when he's not traveling). We also went out to lunch, from there Braden and I went to a familiar park in West Vancouver, and were joined by our Furry Creek friends! Trina and her three children met us there where the kids ran around the park for nearly two hours while Trina and I got to catch up (and I got to meet sweet Baby Emmett!). Hard at work... probably trying to find some dinosaur videos!
Listen... I told you... DINOSAUR videos, not horses, not goats... DINOSAURS!