Don't Miss A Thing!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Our family of Four
Friday, September 18, 2009
Happy Birth Day
"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for."
We've spent all of 2009 waiting for this day, your special day Baby Girl, your Birth Day.

And while I was overwhelmed with all the clothes and accessories for baby girls... I think I'm starting to enjoy it!

And so now it is time for us to start this journey.
Your room is ready...

We welcome you Baby Girl... and now introduce you to our wonderful friends and family.
Vivian Irene Ramsey
Born: 09/19/09
Time: 9:31 am
Weight: 8lb, 9 oz
Length: 21 1/2 in
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Keeping Busy...
And horses too!!!
Look at all the pumpkins! We'll be bringing Braden and Baby Girl here for fall pictures next month!
Riding on the super huge pumpkins was a lot of fun.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The "Eve" and some Football!
We ate our chili... we put on some Bears gear... and tossed around the football. And now we're enjoying the Bears game. Here is our little man, totally loving playing football and wearing his helmet.
And now... on the "Eve" of our official due, one day shy of the "40 weeks" is my final belly shot until we're on our way to the hospital.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
For those wondering...
Monday, September 7, 2009
Prediction: No Labor on this Labor Day
This week Braden and I made Gingerbread Cookies (3 batches) to store in the freezer. With fall around the corner I had to have these on hand... let's just hope they make it longer than 3 weeks. Outlook... not good!
And cooking with a toddler is practice with patience for an adult. It took a lot longer... but he enjoyed it so much sometimes it's just better to take a deep breath and go with the flow.
Last weekend I made loads and loads of homemade chili to freeze. If you recall, we have a tradition here on football Sundays. We wake up, get in Bears gear and eat chili. I made 7-8 weeks worth of chili here. Hey... maybe Baby Girl will join us next Sunday on Kickoff Sunday??? The Bears have the night game. Just in case I've packed her some Bears wear in the bag for the hospital! :)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Big B's Big First Day!
Today was a big day for Braden... he got to start preschool! Originally we had him signed up for a class designed for 2 1/2 year olds, but the class didn't get enough kids to sign up... so we were disappointed it was cancelled. Going to school was the motivation that pushed Braden into officially being potty trained a few weeks ago. So I was on a mission... most preschools only take kids at 3 years old, but I found a place (2 minutes from our house!) that with a potty training and an assessment meeting he could be approved to start early (he's 3 in December). He was approved! Chad and I are both so happy for him, he loves the social interaction with other kids and really feel like he's ready for this next step!
What was Braden saying "I going to school to play with the Big Kids"