Don't Miss A Thing!

**** I have a tendency to write several blog posts in one sitting. I like to think of it as time management when I have a big block of time to sit down and get caught up. If you check in on the blog from time to time... be sure to scroll down, and you may have to even click onto the next page to be sure you've gotten all the latest Ramsey news. (Blogger has restricted the number of posts I can have on the first page, so I never know what exactly is coming up). Thanks for checking in with us, and following along on Our Great Life Adventure! ****

Friday, April 18, 2008

Little Sneakers

I wrote a few weeks ago about the class that Braden and I are going to on Fridays, it's in the town near us called Squamish. The class is called Little Sneakers, just an open indoor space for the kids to play. They have classes on Sundays so Braden has started to go with Chad then. He really enjoys it. Please excuse that some of the pictures are blurry, the kids are on the go and I did not have my camera set up to take things in motion.

Wagon Ride Crawling in the Big Tunnel

WEEEEEE! Shooting some Hoops!
Braden knocking over the big tower of blocks... he did a lot of that!
At the end of class they have a wind down time where the kids get on little mats, have their juice and sing songs. This is Braden's buddy Oliver - he's just 2 days younger. His mom Danielle and dad Derek invited us to a BBQ last Sunday. It was nice to go and meet some other people and gave Braden another chance to play with more kids!

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