To anyone who will listen -
Acky... like "yucky" was Braden's first two syllable word a few months back. He'd use it from time to time and it was clear he understood what it meant. In fact I was proud of him because it would loudly announce "AC-KY", point and bring it over to me instead of put it in his mouth to test it for himself (ok...
most of the time he didn't try to eat it first). So I've gotten used to hearing him say it and immediately investigate to dispose of whatever Braden thinks is "acky" and all is well. (Usually a little piece of paper or a crumb from a cracker). I praise him for telling me and giving it up and staying away from "acky" things.
Oh - I should mention that he says "ACKY" repeatedly over and over again until it's gone.
SO... I'm writing about this because now that our little man knows he has it all figured it I swear he spends 15 minutes at a time, 2 or 3 times a day looking for things "acky"... he scours the floor on his hands and knees, and I'm totally serious. I sweep AT LEAST twice a day in our high traffic areas... and somehow there is always something there and I feel like... what more can a girl do? In fact I sweep up parts of the house so often Braden likes to sweep (enter Evidence A the pictures in another post with him "helping" me!) Ahhh... do the crumbs ever disappear?
The Incompetent Sweeper