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**** I have a tendency to write several blog posts in one sitting. I like to think of it as time management when I have a big block of time to sit down and get caught up. If you check in on the blog from time to time... be sure to scroll down, and you may have to even click onto the next page to be sure you've gotten all the latest Ramsey news. (Blogger has restricted the number of posts I can have on the first page, so I never know what exactly is coming up). Thanks for checking in with us, and following along on Our Great Life Adventure! ****

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dallas: Special Introductions

An exciting part of our Dallas trip last weekend was introducing our kids with their cousins, Reece (5 1/2) and Addison (born three weeks before Big B).  Braden has been talking about them non-stop since we got back, he had so much fun.  And the girls were taken with Vivian and so sweet with her!  Another special little lady we got to meet was Ben and Jessica's precious little lady, Ellyson (born in December).  Of course it was wonderful for all the adults to get together and to talk... but it was just as exciting to see the start of these friendships.  We moved around a lot when I was a kid until I was about 10 years old... so that's how far my oldest friendships go, and I didn't grow up with cousins.  How wonderful that my kids get a totally different experience and can say "I've known them for as long as I can remember".  It makes me smile.
Big B, Reece and Addie
Addison with her mom, Christine and Vivian.  I love this picture, it captures such a sweet and innocent moment.
Fantastic "kids" table for eating meals.  It allowed us adults a chance to eat and talk!
Reece and Viv
Dress up time!  Princess Addison giving Viv some love.
Jessica and I with our little ladies and a switch-a-roo of babes. 
A little background: Jessica and I met back in June of 2002, when we both had our first day at our new job working for Tri Delta Excutive Office in Arlington.  How fun that we made our way to Texas and can watch our daughters grow up together!  (PS... in case you didn't know, Jessica wound up marrying Chad's friend from high school, Ben... and their wedding officiant was Layne... and he is Chad's cousin.  Nothing better than friends that are like family and having family that are your friends!)
Eek!  How cute is Ellyson!  Love her style!
WARNING:  If you are on the verge of catching Baby Fever you might need to avoid this picture... this sweet babe will put you over the edge!
This is the start of something special! 


Unknown said...

I love the one with Reece meeting Vivian! Great shots. Good to see you and Chad as well.

Mitzi said...

My favorite is the last picture of the two girls- I'm so glad that Layne and I will watch them grow old together!

Jessica said...

I agree - I think it's so special that our girls will have these pics of their first meeting. Maybe to hang in their shared dorm room one day? ;)