Another post about our recent trip to Victoria on Vancouver Island. We were there at the "start" of the major visiting season. The flowers and landscape is beautiful... add that to the water as a backdrop and the charming downtown and harbor area, it's a nice place to visit!
I still have more, but too much for one post.
Picture above, Braden (with Grandma Ramsey's help) finds an interesting tree to climb.

Grandma Ramsey and Braden on the Big Boat (Ferry) Ride to the Island

Above, the front of our hotel and below the back of our hotel. We stayed at the Fairmont Empress, one of the hot spots in the area, central location and lots of things to walk to. It was an impressive sight!

Walking through Beacon Hill Park... I just liked this photo of my two special men.

Beacon Hill (walking distance from our hotel) had a children's zoo, with a petting farm. Petting one at a time just wasn't enough for our curious fellow.

Braden enjoyed the animals a lot and quickly went from one to the next. Chad was on "chasing Braden around duty"... what a good sport!

I think this is the only family shot of the three and half of us. Chad was pretty busy with his work conference, but he ventured across the street to the Harbor with us for about an hour. Big B looks grumpy... I think he kind of was, and obsessing about the sailboats (more on that in a later post).

At the end of both nights... in effort to completely exhaust Braden so surely he would fall right asleep (didn't work) we took him to the hotel pool for some swimming. Since our swim classes he's become increasing fond of the water and the 1.5 ft children's pool was perfect for him to "swim" around in and be a bit more independent. :)

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