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Friday, January 23, 2009

Do the Dew... or not

I came across something a little odd. I don't know if this is a Canada thing or not, it requires further investigation. So, it's been a little rough these past few days (sleep-wise - and by that I mean wake up time) adjusting to the time difference from Chicago to Vancouver. In a moment of weakness (and sleep deprivation) I picked up some Mountain Dew for a little caffeine pick me up. I never have soda in the house (just an unnecessary evil of the liquid world) - but like I said - moment of weakness. Anyway... I may want a small perk - but I don't want to stay up all night either so watching the caffeine intake was important. After a can of "The Dew" yesterday (or was it the day before - days are running together), I still felt super tired. I didn't want to over do it so I thought I'd look at the caffeine amount, hop online and look into it. Well... apparently - this "in the exact same packaging, no obvious mention on the can or box" Mountain Dew here is "caffeine free". What?!? Isn't that crazy? It just has a small mention on one small part on the can (not on the box at all). I looked online at and Mountain Dew certainly does have caffeine- unless in specially marketed like this (in an obvious way):
However... this is what my can looked like:

The one place I found it mentioning the otherwise un-mentioned.

Now I've just been drinking what could basically be considered pure fructose corn syrup (yucky for me) and I'm still tired!!!

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