Have I mentioned how great this move to Texas is? You know, the weather, the people, the neighborhood, the cost of living... and finally living near family again!!! This year we had the pleasure of hosting the Courts... all of them! That meant 15 humans and 3 dogs for 3 days! Everyone made the trip to Katy and we really appreciated it. Braden couldn't have been more excited to spend time with cousins Reece (age 6) and Addison (age 4, just a few weeks older than Braden). We had Uncle Wayne and Aunt Carmen, and their children - Sabrina and fiance, Scott - Christine, her husband Chad (parents of Reece and Addison), Layne and his wife, Mitzi, and of course Grandma Paula hit town for her extended stay just in time! I didn't take enough pictures... too busy talking, cooking and enjoying the moment. A huge thank you, since the ladies really contributed to cooking and cleaning! It was not stressful at all, everyone did their share and things ran smooth. We are very THANKFUL to be close to such great people (and these ladies can cook!).

Christine had her birthday that week, so we sang... and had cake!
Addison, Reece and Braden finishing up one of many weekend projects... a Gingerbread House
We had three dogs for the weekend... two of which are quite small and sleep in crates over night. Well... this is what happened.
Aunt Sabrina with Miss Vivian... look at how grown up my little lady is getting!
The three older kids had a balloon party... and Viv couldn't be left out of the fun!

Here (in the playroom) are my two children. Completely of their own doing. Vivian in the cage on the left... Braden on the right. Silly kids.
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