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**** I have a tendency to write several blog posts in one sitting. I like to think of it as time management when I have a big block of time to sit down and get caught up. If you check in on the blog from time to time... be sure to scroll down, and you may have to even click onto the next page to be sure you've gotten all the latest Ramsey news. (Blogger has restricted the number of posts I can have on the first page, so I never know what exactly is coming up). Thanks for checking in with us, and following along on Our Great Life Adventure! ****

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Family Time

The first week in July we were lucky to have family visit.  Chad's mom, Keith, Casse and their three kids, Kylie (4) and identical twins boys Logan and Jackson (2 1/2).  Which meant five adults and five kids. We had a great 4th of July, made a trip to the beach,the pool, we passed around a nasty stomach bug (8 of the 10 of us got it), spent a great time with more family in Bryan, TX and mostly importantly, and the purpose of the visit... we honored Papa Ramsey at the Aggie Field of Honor.  I'll go into each separately and start with the 4th of July.
You think of Texas in July and probably think of hibernating the air conditioning... however we lucked out and actually had relatively mild weather and able to spend the entire afternoon and evening outside.  We grilled steaks (thanks to our neighbor, his dad has cattle), kids played on the trampoline, and of course fireworks.  Our neighbors put on a great show right outside our front door!  And we also got some other shows from surrounding neighborhoods without having to leave the driveway! All in all.... the kids were exhausted after staying up late to get the show!  (Kylie fell asleep on my lap... precious!  And Miss Vivian slept through all of it... and it was NOT quiet). 
Grandma treating Vivian to a Popsicle... she was loving it!
Since I didn't want her cute shirt stained orange... we took it off and it never made it back on.  At least she had shorts on.  The rest of the kiddos spent of lot of the afternoon  in their birthday suits running through sprinklers and staying cool.
What entertains a 9 month old babe?  Pour water on the table and let her splash to her hearts content. 

I'm so in love with this little lady.

I look awful... blame it on the humidity (and my desperate need for highlights) and the bug bite on my eyeball... yes, seriously.  And my poor girl is half dressed.  But we don't get a lot of pictures together so I'm throwing out my own vanity and sharing it anyway.
Kids playing in the driveway... probably looking for toads and worms.  We've got a lot of them.
Right back at ya kiddo! :)
Braden and Kylie... at dusk with a sparkler to celebrate our nations birthday!  Happy 234th birthday USA!
Kylie and Braden... they are good buddies, Braden adores her.  She's such a sweet girl too.  They are just 6 months apart in age.  I've said this before... but I just can't get over it... they really look more like siblings than cousins!

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