Don't Miss A Thing!

**** I have a tendency to write several blog posts in one sitting. I like to think of it as time management when I have a big block of time to sit down and get caught up. If you check in on the blog from time to time... be sure to scroll down, and you may have to even click onto the next page to be sure you've gotten all the latest Ramsey news. (Blogger has restricted the number of posts I can have on the first page, so I never know what exactly is coming up). Thanks for checking in with us, and following along on Our Great Life Adventure! ****

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday Afternoon Chat...

Here's another edition of my totally random thoughts on this Monday afternoon.
-  Yesterday, Vivian took her first three steps unassisted!  She's not a walker, but she's making progress everyday.  I have been saying since day one I'm in NO rush for her to walk... but once you see them get closer... it's so easy to get all wrapped up in the excitement of their special milestones.
-  You know how I'm with both my kids pretty much 24/7?  Well... I wasn't there for Vivian's first steps.  Selfishly, I was really disappointed.  But... it was awesome Chad got to have the moment with his daughter.  With all the work and travel he does, there are a lot of "firsts" he doesn't get to see.  And he was one proud papa!  He called me, called his mom, got his mom on video chat, had the video camera set up and was trying to capture it.  However, sweet baby girl refused to repeat the performance for the camera. 
-  I think her "first steps" was a warning to us, like if she could talk she'd say... "Look you guys, I'm pretty close to this walking thing, and I could probably do it full-time, but I'm going to spend the next month milking all the attention while you spend time with me every day trying to get me to do it again.  I'm one sharp cookie, you can't duplicate this kind of attention and excitement".
-  While I'm on the subject of Vivian talking... at this point, she's pretty vocal with sounds.  She has Mama down pat... she only uses her Da-Da with Chad so we're pretty sure she's got that figured out.  I am trying to figure out her references to Braden, but nothing concrete.  More than words right now she's copying changes in the tone of my voice or if we're singing she'll kind of make noise along with us (singing = me and Braden being silly). 
-  These days she's trying what we're eating... but mostly her meals are still baby food.  Call me crazy, but I give her fruit for breakfast, veggie for lunch and a "meal" jar for dinner.  It just feels right.  But when Chad handles it he's giving her "Butternut Squash with Wheat Pasta" for breakfast and it just doesn't seem right.  I know she doesn't know the difference, but still...
-  So if I'm usually always with the kids... where was I when Vivian took those first steps?  Well... the past few weeks Chad has offered to stay home with Vivian, while I take Braden to the pool.  I take them both during the week, but Vivian can't quite handle as much pool/sun time.  It's nice to take Big B on his own, give him all the attention and stay as long as we want. 
-  Mid-August?  Is my baby girl really going to be ONE next month?  Wow.
-  10 days and I'll be landing in Las Vegas for a weekend with my girls... I already know the weekend is going to go by way too fast.
-  It's pretty obvious that Houston is hot in the summer.  But honestly, it's not that bad.  We live in a world with ACs and pools (even though sometimes getting in the pool is more like a warm bath).  Chicago gets this hot, for a shorter amount of time, but I haven't really had a big issue with the humidity either.  The evenings are getting really nice here.  I'm looking forward to a nice, long, warm fall!
- But what is my problem with Texas?  I am at odds with the toad infestation we have in the backyard.  They have mated and multiplied.  I know I shouldn't be jumpy for little things that are 2 inches long... but I am.  I'm not requiring that Chad rid of them because I appreciate that they eat other bugs... but if it wasn't for that important and redeeming quality... they would ALL be over the fence. 
-  Last Friday was a pretty cool... we live in Katy, it is a big place, and quite populated.  Well, I went to the YMCA, saw a person I knew from the neighborhood... then Braden only knows a few kids and at the Kids Club he was there hanging with two of his friends... and on our way to the pool later I ran into two moms from the MOMS club.  It was nice to be out and recognize people where we live.  I'm sure it sounds silly to some people, but when you've been living away from friends and family, it doesn't go unnoticed.  It's been a long time coming!
-  So.... I got sucked into the Bachelor Pad last week.  I said I wasn't going to do it... but I did.  There really isn't anything else to watch on a Monday night (since we cancelled Showtime and I don't have awesome shows to watch).  I'm a sucker and now want to see how this all plays out.  But there are some uncomfortable, hard to watch moments, and some CRAZY people (hello Elizabeth... please grab some... any... self esteem, you are crazy and desperate, and your fake orange-blond hair is not cute. You're a brunette, embrace it).  Also... most of the audience watching is women... all the extended-10 seconds-too-long-camera shots of the women's chests... it's creepy.
-  I'm a little embarrassed I just ranted about the Bachelor Pad.  Don't judge me.
-  Because what most people check out the blog for is the pictures, here are a few from a few weeks ago when we went to the Houston Nature and History Museum...
In front of the T-Rex and Edmontosaurus skeletons.  Big B loves, loves his dinosaurs!
It may appear he's scared of the Triceratops head fossil... he's not.  He was in Dinosaur heaven.
Sweet Miss Vivian checking me out
Her scrunched up cheesy smile that shows off all her teeth coming in.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Water Babies

This summer has been so much fun.  Pools opened here the last week in April and we have gone a minimum of three times a week since then.  Big B has come so far with his swimming, and like most kids, he loves, loves it.  Back in March he took one set of swim classes, and at that time I had seen a lot of improvement, but he was still hesitant in many ways.  But by the time we did swim lessons again last month... wow!  His teacher had great compliments about his potential and how he's doing for his age, especially since this is really the first summer he's been in the pools consistently. (Sorry for bragging... I'm one proud momma!). 
Vivian has also shown to be a pretty good water baby.  Especially now that she gets around better and isn't confined to my arms or a baby raft.  Living in Cinco Ranch (with more than 6 neighborhood pools) and belonging to the YMCA has made it very easy for us to enjoy spending time at the pool... and beating the heat!!! 
The final day of swim class at the YMCA with his teacher Miss Chelsea.  Here he's using a bar so he can work on techinque for kicking his legs, while still moving forward.
This was a huge deal for him to float on his back.  In March... it was a huge battle for him to even try it. 
Swimming to catch the duck.  One of his favorite games to play in the water.
Class is over... hitting up the water playground!  He was in such a rush he got there before anyone else did.
Braden with his teacher and the two other boys in his class playing around
Three of my favorite people
She's free to explore!
Nearly all summer she tolerated the hat I would make her wear in the sun... but no more.  So now I just spray her head all over with the sunblock. 
The pools here are so nice... it's obviously a very family friendly area and the design of the recreation spaces is a great example of that. This particular one has this area, a big pool with diving boards and another kid pool that has a baby area and two slides for the toddlers.

The Fort

We all have childhood memories of building forts and playing for hours.  It is something Braden has just gotten interested in.  Chad has his style... gathers all the pillows from the couch and makes a tunnel using the coffee table and couch.  But me... I kind of cheat...
Ta-da...Blankets over the dining room table and pillows to close in the gaps on the end.  Not much of an architect, am I?  Good thing my customers aren't too demanding.
An excited 3 year old gathered some of his horses and an empty diaper box and got straight to work.
I got this picture when I climbed into the fort with the camera and had limited light.  I won't claim it's all that artistic... but I liked what it captured.
Another little person climbed in to see what all the fuss what about
And... she's out.  Too dark and not interesting enough for her.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


July 10th is always a day to remember.  It was Chad and Keith's father's birthday.  It was only fitting that this be the day that we place his ashes in a special place.  It was about 2 1/2 years ago that he passed away... but worth the wait.  Paula had found out about the Aggie Field of Honor at Texas A&M University a few months ago (it just opened a year ago) and she arranged a visit when she came to visit us in April and got a place for Jimmy that looks our towards Kyle Field (the football stadium).  It truly is the best place... he was a graduate of A&M and Aggie for life, and this was his hometown.  To get to do this on his birthday and surrounded with family (everyone decked out in A&M gear)... it was perfect.  It was a nice day (a bit humid) but we were able to gather and take pictures. 
Keith placing the ashes
Let me tell you something amazing about this picture.  There are 19 of us... and in just one picture every single person is looking at the camera, all 5 kids included.  This happened because at this exact moment a plane flying low flew over the field in the direction that got everyone's attention.  I'm not the sort of person that really gets into "it was something sent from the unknown"... but it sort of feels like it was something special sent from somewhere.  Paula was hoping for a great picture to capture the memory of the day, and I think she got it.

We were lucky to be joined with Great Grandma Doris (Jimmy's mom), Aunt Beverly (Jimmy's sister) and her husband, Uncle Rick, Cousins Melinda, Liz, and Jenny, her fiance, Trey, and Paula's sister, Aunt Carmen and brother-in-law, Uncle Wayne. 
Thank you to everyone for making it there to celebrate and Jimmy.  Also a big thank you to Uncle Rick and Aunt Bev for opening up their home so we could extend our visit together.  I look forward to seeing you again soon. 

GG and the babes

GG... Great Grandma Doris lives in Bryan, TX.  It's only 90 minutes from us.  We're grateful that we're close enough to spend time with her, as well as Uncle Rick and Aunt Bev, who graciously have hosted all the get togethers.  (We've also gotten to spend time with the other side of the family that lives in Bryan... shout out to Aunt Carmen and Uncle Wayne).  You can see that GG Doris is so happy to see her great grandchildren... and I'd like to think that her and Miss Vivian are making quite the connection!  (They do share a middle name after all!).  When Viv giggles... Great Grandma lights up... watching the two of them together is one of the most genuine moments and brings a smile to your face.  In July, we were lucky to have five of the great-grandchildren together and spend some quality time together. 
What a precious moment!  Two happy ladies!

Aunt Bev, Kylie, Grandma, Vivian and Great Grandma
The older kids fishing in the "pond"
Logan and Great Grandpa Fred had a special connection
Hey... not too bad for trying to get five kids 4 years and younger to look at the camera at the same time.
She's at such a cute age!  And I think Great Grandma Doris would agree!  Right before this picture these two were cracking up!
Aunt Beverly and Vivian in matching outfits!
Uncle Rick and Aunt Bev's house is one of Braden's favorite places.  As if the two of them weren't fun enough already... Uncle Rick has a saddle and the kids could not get enough of it.  I thought this picture captured my tough guy who was taking his saddle time very seriously.  If he winds up a kid on a horse herding cattle at sometime in his future, then this picture will be priceless.  Hey, we live in Texas now... it could happen!

Another trip to the Beach

Braden loved having his cousins here to play all week.  We managed to trip a Galveston where there was plenty of sand and sun (ok... maybe it was overcast part of the day, but that kept things a little cooler!). 
My little stud...
The twins having some fun in the sand.  Looks like they are taking their job very seriously!
Ky-Ky was really into collecting seashells
Grandma occupying Miss Vivian, trying to keep her in the shade.
Enjoying every moment and soaking it all in... this is the life

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Family Time

The first week in July we were lucky to have family visit.  Chad's mom, Keith, Casse and their three kids, Kylie (4) and identical twins boys Logan and Jackson (2 1/2).  Which meant five adults and five kids. We had a great 4th of July, made a trip to the beach,the pool, we passed around a nasty stomach bug (8 of the 10 of us got it), spent a great time with more family in Bryan, TX and mostly importantly, and the purpose of the visit... we honored Papa Ramsey at the Aggie Field of Honor.  I'll go into each separately and start with the 4th of July.
You think of Texas in July and probably think of hibernating the air conditioning... however we lucked out and actually had relatively mild weather and able to spend the entire afternoon and evening outside.  We grilled steaks (thanks to our neighbor, his dad has cattle), kids played on the trampoline, and of course fireworks.  Our neighbors put on a great show right outside our front door!  And we also got some other shows from surrounding neighborhoods without having to leave the driveway! All in all.... the kids were exhausted after staying up late to get the show!  (Kylie fell asleep on my lap... precious!  And Miss Vivian slept through all of it... and it was NOT quiet). 
Grandma treating Vivian to a Popsicle... she was loving it!
Since I didn't want her cute shirt stained orange... we took it off and it never made it back on.  At least she had shorts on.  The rest of the kiddos spent of lot of the afternoon  in their birthday suits running through sprinklers and staying cool.
What entertains a 9 month old babe?  Pour water on the table and let her splash to her hearts content. 

I'm so in love with this little lady.

I look awful... blame it on the humidity (and my desperate need for highlights) and the bug bite on my eyeball... yes, seriously.  And my poor girl is half dressed.  But we don't get a lot of pictures together so I'm throwing out my own vanity and sharing it anyway.
Kids playing in the driveway... probably looking for toads and worms.  We've got a lot of them.
Right back at ya kiddo! :)
Braden and Kylie... at dusk with a sparkler to celebrate our nations birthday!  Happy 234th birthday USA!
Kylie and Braden... they are good buddies, Braden adores her.  She's such a sweet girl too.  They are just 6 months apart in age.  I've said this before... but I just can't get over it... they really look more like siblings than cousins!