Well, let me tell you a little story about this sweet child of ours.
The weather was fabulous Sunday... Chad was talking with the neighbors, Braden was playing with the kids next door and I was inside with Vivian while she napped and I cooked dinner...
Before I finish you'll need a little background to the story.
On these wonderful weather days Braden is outside he spends a lot of time playing in dirt (literally in the dirt, you can see below his own little dirt pit) to get wonderfully filthy. He has such a good time. We opted to show him a place in the backyard that he could go pee rather than track the whole mess in the house 5 times or worse he just decides to be lazy and not come in. I'm a girl, I grew up with a sister, we never did this, but apparently for boys it's just something they do. Ok... I'll go with it... and be glad to avoid all the dirt in the house. 

So back to the story, I'm sure you've guessed it by now. He is playing with the neighbor kids... and I'll assume he was having too much fun to want to leave...steps outside the sandbox, takes a few steps and pees in their yard!
Thank goodness Chad was there and not me, I would have ran home so embarrassed. Thank goodness they have four kids, two of which are boys so they didn't make a big deal about it.
At dinner that night we talked for several minutes about the dos and don'ts. So we shouldn't have a repeat experience.
Oh Braden, you're such a boy.